Master Your Bliss Life
Welcome to Master Your Bliss Life Podcast. No topic is off-limits as we talk all things magical, mysterious, and mundane in life. It is our mission to help you master your purpose and find your bliss.
Master Your Bliss Life
Ep.58 - Unlock Your Inner Goddess through Sensual Movement with Asher Hewitt
Get ready to ignite your senses with the irresistible allure of Exotic Yogini! Brace yourself for a mind-blowing journey as we delve into this extraordinary movement style. Lia's special guest, the one and only Asher Hewitt, is the brilliant mastermind behind this captivating practice that will awaken your inner goddess like never before.
In this electrifying episode, Lia and Asher will unlock the secrets behind activating your divine femininity, embracing your feminine sexuality, and unleashing your untapped feminine power. Prepare to be spellbound as you listen in and witness the birth of your very own sensual goddess. Take advantage of the exhilarating and world-changing activity that awaits you in today's episode!
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Hosts: Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss
Guest: Asher Hewitt on Instagram and at Exotic Yogini
Kiera on LinkedIn and Instagram
Podcast Manager: Kimberly Smith
Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss
Lunar Herbals Use code Kiera10 or Lia10 for $10 off your first order
You’re listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Join Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss as they dive into the magical, mysterious, and mundane elements of life, helping you to master your purpose and find your bliss.
I hit record. It’s going. This is how we do. This is how we do it.
This is how we do it.
This is how we do it. Today, I’ve got Asher, darling. Darling sweet angel goddess Asher. Asher, how long have we been friends? How long have I known you?
Um, good question. When did we go to – no we knew each other before Bear Lake. Do you? How long have I known you? Well, I started working um…
Club at…
In two thousand, I’ve worked there for four years. So.
So that’s probably how long we’ve been friends is four years.
Yeah, yeah. That’s a good way to go about it. Yeah.
That makes sense. Cuz we overlapped, because I was still working there, I think it was not even a year, like we didn’t even have a year overlap. I think it was like a few months.
Yeah, yeah. I would say that.
Those were good times.
Four years. It, on the one hand, it feels like a thousand years ago that I worked there. But then four years doesn’t seem, like, three and a half years ago doesn’t seem that long ago.
Yeah, it doesn’t sound that long, but it kind of feels long. I feel like I’ve known you longer than four years, too. And it feels like it’s been forever since you worked there.
Yeah like forever-ever. Every time I go in now, everyone’s like, Oh my gosh what are you doing? I miss you! Come back! I’m like, Y’all couldn’t pay me enough.
I know, you hustled that floor good. I wish you’d come back.
That’s yeah. That’s what everyone’s been saying. Nope, nope. Never going back. I learned so many magical things working at the club, and now I’m like, Imma take those skills and knowledge and apply them elsewhere.
They really are really applicable elsewhere, though. You learn a lot of great life skills in the strip club.
You really do.
I still think I’m going to write a book about it. I’m going to write a book “Sales Like a Stripper.”
You should. You should.
Because there’s so many things that cross over. But, for you, specifically, you took your love of yoga – right cuz you’re a yoga teacher – and your love of dance, and your love of just like, I don’t want to say sexuality, cuz that paints such an inaccurate picutre. It’s like, have you been reading, ok in the group text, they talked about that pussy book. Have you been reading that?
Oh, I haven’t. Have you?
Ok, so, so one of our friends on the group text wrote about the book… let me see. Let me just look it up real quick. It’s called…
It looks good.
Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer.
I’m going to do audio. Because…
The audiobook is actually really good.
Yeah, with my commute and stuff, I can get way more reading hours in if I just listen to it. It’s hard for me to sit down and read. I like to sit down and read. I do sit down and read. But it’s like little short snippets at a time. It takes me forever to finish a book.
Because I don’t have a ton of time. I need to wake up earlier. That’s what I need to do.
Or just maximize driving time. So, Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer. Thomas-hower? Thomashauer. So, it’s great, but so it was in the group chat and then I did my little belly dance thing, and one of the girls in the audience came up to me after and was like, “You embody that book. Have you read it?” And I was like, “Oh shit.” Ok, I guess I’d better go read it.
Oh yeah. We’ll need to then.
So, I’ve been reading it, and it’s really just all about embracing the fact that women and the feminine sexuality and the feminine power is just inherently different from men. And I think that’s huge part about what you do with exotic yogini. So, explain to all of our beautiful goddess, hot girl walking listeners, explain what it is that you’re doing.
Yes, let me explain.
Explain yourself.
Um, no, I love that because I feel like exotic dance specifically, and even pole fitness, that’s really where it all started for me was going to an aerial studio and learning how to do pole. This is long story short. And then that led me into the exotic realm, actually on accident. I didn’t know I was going to an exotic class when I did it.
Yeah, I felt so uncomfortable, which we can get into like my backstory if we want to a little bit. But just real quick, um, I do feel like diving into that world and getting into sensual movement like that has been the biggest fuel for my self confidence. And I started realizing like, this is activating my divine feminine.
Like, this is helping me, you know, blast open, and dive deep into myself in ways that maybe I would be feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed or…
Sure. Or just like inaccessible. Cuz like where in the world, literally, where are women able to go and freely express their sexuality where it’s not the pick me. It’s not the male gaze. It’s not, right? It’s just It’s about owning your sexuality and owning the sensual movement of it, right? Cuz, we can walk around feeling sensual, feeling sexy, right? There’s just some days you wake up and you’re like, “I don’t know who it is, but today is it.”
I’m feeling myself.
I’m feeling myself. But then it’s different to be able to move your body in a way that’s sensual that’s not related directly to the act of intercourse.
Yes. That is true. There, yeah. Where is that place? But really, that’s just the comfort of your own home and doing it for yourself.
Right? No one’s going to, how often are we driven to that? Right? Like, when I think about, I got an hour, I got some free time, the thing that I think to do isn’t, You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to throw on some booty shorts and I’m just going to move sexy. Right? Like, that’s not a thing that I book out in my calendar, right? Like, sexy movement.
So funny. That is like what I book into mine though.
That’s why Exotic Yogini, though, right? So, Exotic Yogini. What really brought me to creating Exotic Yogini is, yes, I am an exotic dancer and I’m also a yogi. And I started noticing that when I just kind of warm up, like warm my body up to go dance and stuff, I was just freestyling, and I’m always freestyling, kind of blending together exotic movements with my yoga. And then I started thinking, and I always have fun warming up. So I’m like, honestly this should be like a thing, because it’s my thing and it warms me up really well. It tones up my body really good. But, it’s really not anything that I’ve found, anyone teaching me to do. So I thought, well, I will teach you to do.
Well, I should, right? If you fill a need. Because I see the, like, so a girl that I follow on Instagram posted about, she went to a class called Heal in Heels. And it’s like a sexual dance class, a sexual dance movement class to be about awakening the divine feminine and healing a lot of that sexual trauma, right? And that’s great. Let me tell you how bad of a dancer I am. A bad one. Not a great dancer.
No, I don’t believe that.
It’s moreso, ok, so, when I was studying the belly dancing, I did this month intensive, it was, it wasn’t, we didn’t do choreography. Like, I wasn’t being choreographed. It was really just, here are a few basic movements and when you go out there I want you to string them together in whichever way feels the most organic to you. But to be like, and step ball change, swim, move, like to be like…
Right, and five, six, seven, eight.
Right. Can’t. That intimidates me. But I’ve taken your classes a couple of times now. And it’s like, when you, I mean, it’s like trying to watch a hip hop dancer do ballet or vice versa. Like, ballet dancers can’t do hip hop because their bodies just don’t move in that way. They’re not used to it. But it’s like, I’ve been doing yoga for years, and I understand the concept of sensual movement, to bring it together. We’re not dancing. It’s not choreography. It takes all the pressure of “doing it right,” but you still feel like you live in your body more than yoga.
Yeah. Yes, totally, there’s totally a difference between heavily choreographed routines and also it takes a different brain to take that on. To retain that informatio, learn it quick, and remember it, so that you can execute it within, you know, like an hour as you’re learning it. But when I do teach dance, cuz I, so those are the two main things I offer, is either basically an exotic sexy yoga or I do do a lot of exotic dance classes. Especially usually if I’m doing a workshop or retreat or something, we usually will do both. And when I do teach the dancing, it is totally like that. Like, I will give, it’s basically like I give you guidance, guidelines.
They’re not rules, they’re guidelines.
Right, these aren’t rules they’re guidelines. And I’ll usually give you a couple of different ways to maybe do one thing of like how it will work with your body type. Cuz not all of us are inclined to move the same, you know? Or you might find that you’re more flexible in some areas and not in others, but that shouldn’t stop you. So, it’s really fun to kind of give ladies these guidelines and put them to music, but also give them the freedom to really make it their own. And I think exploring that is really what helps just blossom you to your own divine femininity. And what makes you want, like how you want to move, and make it your own. And then you are like birthing your own little goddess. And it's funny how we could take one move and do it so many different ways and it can birth so many different goddesses, whatever.
Yes. And no one looks the same. And that's kind of the point that no one looks the same, so people shouldn't move the same. So I think you, I mean you and I understand that like this is something that we love and we're passionate about, but how, how would you explain to someone else that, like why is this even important? Why is it even important to birth your own goddess? Why is it important to have sentual movement or to tap into that divine feminine? Like what, what's the point?
Yes. That's a really good question. Um, first off, I think that there is many ways to tap into our divine feminine movement is only one of them. Um, but yes. Why do we wanna do that? I think it's because when I started really feeling that rise in myself, I started realizing it was implementing itself in my everyday life and everything I was doing. All of a sudden I am walking the streets with flare, like you said, wake up feeling yourself, you know? And that just affects everything. It affects your manifestation ability and how you're attracting things into your life. It affects the people that you engage with and attract into your life. It affects just the way you move about it, the way that you take life by the horns. When you feel fully tuned in, tapped in,
turned on and activated, you feel like a freaking powerhouse, like a badass bitch. Like nothing can get in your way. And I think that that's just so important to feel that like confidence and empowerment in your life. Like…
Who doesn't want that?
Who’s going to be like not for me. I don't wanna feel confident and empowered.
I don’t want that actually.
Hard pass. But I wanna, I really wanna touch on what you said about feeling
turned on. That's been like a really big theme in this book, in this pussy book is like the feeling of turn on. And it's not for me, right? You can feel turned on to your own power, to your
own life, to your own desires, but it's not, you're not horny in the like, biological sense. Right?
And that's a difference because going through sensual movement, doing all these things like just embodying that, like feminine power is so fun once you let yourself get there and have fun. But you can also like, um, Kiera and I talk a lot about it and I talk a lot with some friends about it where it's just like, there's goblin mode, right? But then there's like this on where you like…
Goblin mode.
Goblin, you know what I'm talking about. Goblin mode.
Yes. I definitely go into goblin mode sometimes too. It's a ebb and flow.
Ebb and flow.
But obviously sometimes we're gonna feel in goblin mode. But yes, when you feel turned on, you just feel activated, like your cells are alive, like you're glowing. Like, like you can, you know?
It's that, that post orgasmic glow.
Yes. Um, and I feel like people feel it and see it radiating off of you. Like it's kinda like, what do you have? I want some of that. What's going on? And how did you get that? It's like, oh, I'm just turned on.
I'm just horny for life.
I’m just turned on. Um, and you notice it in others too. Like, I love seeing, and that's also why I created Exotic Yogini, you know, is because I love seeing other women turned on and just watching their process and like realizing that we are all so like, unique. We're
just these little fingerprints walking around and you don't need to be like, like your fellow sister at all. Like, you just being the turned on version of you is gorgeous and amazing and so powerful. And I love seeing my version of that and everybody else's because they're all so powerful and just cute.
It's so cute. I know. I love…
That's so cute.
There is nothing I love more than just being surrounded by women who are the thing that they are and, and people, cause I think this can happen for men too, but I think it's not like a, because there is an element of masculinity and femininity in all of us, and it's not, but this is like the divine, the fully awakened divine feminine, which carries a strength and men can also have that. And it's like once, you know, you know, and you can see it in people.
Yeah. You can see it.
Yeah. And it, and it causes, and like, I mean we talk about like vibrational attraction. Like if you vibrate at this level, you're gonna attract people at this level. And that's really what it is. If you're turned on for life and you're out there, you're gonna start attracting people that are also that way. And not just for like more boyfriends. You don't need… right? I don't need any more boyfriends.
I need boyfriends.
No more boyfriends, but like people and opportunities. So I found that when I'm in my most turned on and awakened self, like I get better job opportunities, I attract better mentors. I'm around just higher quality humans. I was out with a friend at karaoke a couple of weeks ago and, and, and he's got the same turned on-ness. And we were like being witnessed by people and we ended up talking to this dude who was like this big time realtor dude. And it was like, let's go to lunch, let's figure out, let's work together. And it was like, I don't even know how we can help each other, but I know that you're a turned on person and I'm a turned on person and we need to collaborate somewhere.
Yes. Get just get all the turned on people together for one big life manifestation orgy.
Yes. One big brain orgy.
It's true though. I feel like since like activating that part of myself and bringing awareness to it and paying attention and, all that cracking that egg open my life has been so enriched. Just like, whether it's people, whether it's the money I'm bringing in the experiences or you know, just whatever. I've just, life starts to feel like magic, right? Like when you just have synchronicities happen or like…
…so many good things over and over that happen that you're like, is this, is this magic? Is this my life? And those experience happen so much more often, um, that I really feel like my life is elevated and leveled up from everything that I've just gained and learned from honoring that part of myself. Um, and it's…
Damn say less.
…being a stronger woman. It's helped me create the boundaries I need to.
That's been a good thing, you know, is, is boundaries and realizing like what I am and am not
gonna accept that comes my way and all those things. It's just like you start, when you start feeling like you're worth it, you're worthy and you're a sexy bitch walking around, it's like, no, no, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna accept enough with this.
I’m not putting up with this.
Yes. So you start just taking that better care of yourself and um, protecting yourself more, not in a closed off manner, but just more like how you protect your kid. Like no, this, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to this person. Like, and that's how you start. I think treating yourself is like, no, like I have a lot to offer. I'm a goddess. I'm not gonna deal with this bull crap, this whatever.
This bullshit. I'm not putting up with no bull. Would you treat a goddess like this? What did I read? There's some Instagram thing that's like, you call her a goddess and approach without an offering.
Mm. Yeah.
I can't, none of that.
All my ex-boyfriends.
Right? All of my ex-boyfriends. Yes. I am a goddess. What did you bring?
Yes. That's so funny. Well, and then also I think going through the art of movement, sacred movement to get there. Cause like I said, there's other things we could do that make us feel like we're activating our divine feminine, you know, but going through movement, I like, because I personally thrive off movement. I need to feel like I'm like at a certain level of strong in my body and like flexy. Like otherwise I straight up get depressed.
So, um, so already somebody who needs to be moving constantly and needs to be a part
of my daily life.Um, but going but activating the divine feminine through like an art of movement is so nice because you get the element of of strengthening, of body control, of gaining flexibility of all these things, which even just those alone, just if you're a gym rat, you already feel more confident, right?
Yes. Yeah.
So pairing kinda like the physicality of strengthening your body, um, and keeping all the juices fluid and you know, loosey-goosey in there. Keeping yourself flexible and bendy.
Loosey goosey.
Already help you feel more confident. And then while you're using that to then activate that part of yourself. It's just like this explosion of, of goodness.
Okay. I mean I'm, I sold if I wasn't before. I am now. So if I wanted to access this, this Exotic Yogini, what is the best way for someone to access this with you? Like is it through your Instagram? Is there, what, what's in the works for Exotic Yogini? I know you're doing workshops, I know you're doing retreats.
Yes. Let's talk about what's in the works, which I'm really excited for what's in the works. Um,
yes. Right off the bat where I am and try to hang out on as much as I possible is Instagram, um, just @ExoticYogini on Instagram. Um, that's where I would be posting about all my updates and what's going on and da da da da. I'm also kind of like this like old person trapped in a young person's body when it comes to fricking technology and social media is so hard for me to stay consistent on. I've been getting better, but, um, so just know that I'm trying with that. But, um, so yes, I'm on IG and then yes, that's also where I would talk about if, so the only way I teach in person is basically three ways. Is A, if it's a workshop that I'm throwing or that somebody's invited me to do or a retreat, let's just like go basically a longer workshop, right? Multiple days.
Or like a destination. So retreats, workshops, um, and then private parties, like if you were to book me to come to your home for your own event.
Oh, like a bachelorette party or…
Yes. And bachelorette parties are so fun. Where basically you get a group or it doesn't have to be for Bachelorette. That's just what I've done a lot of. Or birthdays. You get a group of ladies, um, I mean men can come if you're comfortable that they're there as long as they participate. That's the only rule.
Right? They can't just watch. It's not some like watch show.
They can’t just watch.
It's not, it's not weird sexy dance show.
No. No, no. Uh, but in that case I would bring my black lights and my pole if there's a place to set it up and, um, just kind of work out with whoever books that, what they wanna do. If they want me to just teach them some booty tricks if they wanna learn a little routine, if they wanna do some yoga, whatever. So we set that up. Um, so that's another way. Um, which also this year we built my website, which is just ExoticYogini.com. Yep, snaps. Um, so the website done, well it's, it's there but it's also still always, um, we're all, we're still working on perfecting it and making it as nice as possible, but it's at least there so you can read about what I do, but it will also get better cuz it's just, um, only been up few months. Um.
Ooh, it's cute. I'm looking at it.
Oh you are!
Yes. Love it himself.
Zachary built it himself. That's my boyfriend.
Good job boyfriend.
Yes. So, uh, there's still some things we need to plug in there and some pictures I need to put up on there, but at least, um, it's there for now. Um, and then my biggest thing that I've been working on now for seriously like two years I swear to God, is um, I've been putting content together for like a subscription-based app. So it, it's, um, I've got tutorial I'll, yeah, I'll have tutorials on there of sexy yoga, some like longer sessions, like a 60 minute sesh. Um, and then some shorter ones, like some 30 minute, 20 minute sessions depending on what works for your day. There's a foundation section that has all the foundation movements of exotic movements. So that way you're doing a sexy Austina and we decided to do some butt isolations, I'm not explaining every single time how to do that. It's like if you don't know how to do a butt isolation, go to the foundations and do the butt isolation tutorial.
Yes, that's my favorite.
Yes, me too. Which is a really good booty builder. Um, anyways, so actually really exciting because, well, like I said, I've been working on it for a while, but it'll have a foundation section, workout section and then hopefully I'll, um, even have some a section on there with like exotic movement and teach like little mini routines if you are to try to dance at home. Um, so that will be pretty fun.
Oh, okay. So that’s very accessible because like if I were to just like turn on music and be like, I'm gonna dance sexy, I would get so in my head I'd be like, and we're done.
We're done here.
And this is embarrassing. Even there's no one here.
Yes. Um, yes. So this will give you me in your own home to just kind of like help break some of those things down. Um, it's not launched yet, but I'm really thinking and hoping and praying that it will be ready this year, 2023. Um, super, super close to being done.
So, look out for the app.
Yeah, I have had to like the first year I was working with a different videographer. I mean, I've also tried filming my own videos and editing them and decided that I did not like that. And so I've just been a little trial and error of finding the right people to work with. And now I think that I've got a good little small mini team going, um, of a filmer editor.
You know, so we've just been getting together whenever we can and just knock it out as many videos as we can for my launch package. So anyways, on IG I'll be letting everyone know when that release is and.
I cannot wait, I will be your first subscriber.
I’ll do all my sexy dances at home and the comfort of my own home. Love it.
Hell yeah. And then you can do your sexy yoga in the morning the way that I do it.
Cause that’s what I do every morning. And I love it. So I just want everyone to be able to bring that to their own home.
What a way to start your day with a lil sexy yoga.
Love it. Check out exoticyogini.com. Check out Exotic Yogini on Instagram this episode as all episodes sponsored by Lunar Herbals. Asher, I know you…
Are also a rep for Lunar Herbals.
Yes. I'm excited. I'm gonna, um, actually do a little posting here this week about it and make some tea and do a little video.
So, right, you start your day with the Elixir of Bliss. You do some sexy movement with the exotic yogini, then you have a little elixir of love and get feeling in your body.
What a way to start your day.
They pair so well.
They pair so well. I love this. Okay.
Oh, which, oh sorry.
Go ahead.
I was gonna say, um, some upcoming events. Um, we got a Goddess Soree coming up for, I don't know, people that are like more local. It'll be up in, uh, I think it's called Moose Follow. It’s up by Quasi Reservoir. Uh, back in Eden.
In Utah?
That is, yeah, in Utah.
Kind of by Pineview. And um, this is actually ran by my good friend, her name's Carly. Her business is Wild Meraki Creations, but we've done some collaborations before and um, so we'll be doing the Goddess Soree. It's like a three day thing. There'll be yoga year. It's kinda like a glamping situation. It'll be catered, uh, it's gonna be so much fun. There'll be um, a little artist painting everyone's auras there for the week.
Oh my God.
Amazing. And when is this happening?
So this is June 29th through July 2nd. So, um, you can go on my Instagram and the link to sign up is in my bio. Um, so that will be really fun. That's coming up. So that one will be a few different facilitators. I will not be teaching yoga, but I will be teaching, um, some sensual dance. So it'll be really, really fun.
5, 6, 7, 8.
And then, um, and then, then actually I think it's May 27th a Saturday, um, up here in North Ogden, which I'll post about. I'm just gonna be doing like a free sexy yoga class. It's uh, for a grand opening. My sister-in-law is opening her. She has a rock, a crystal rock shop. Oh, she's doing a <inaudible>.
Oh see it’s all connecting.
Yeah. So she's having a grand opening.
Crystal girlies gettng in with the exotic girlies. It'll be great. Cute. Amazing.
So check out Instagram for all those. Asher, I love you so much.
I love you.
I'm so glad that we got to do this podcast.
Me too.
Check out, yeah. Master Your Bliss Life. Um, check out my Instagram, check out Kiera's Instagram and you can see all of the fun, exciting things and I'll take pictures at these retreats and we'll just have a beautiful time. So.
Alright. All my hot girls. Oh my Godesses. I love you long time. I'll see you real soon. Bye.
Love you. Bye.
You have been listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Make sure to check out the show notes for any relevant links and follow Kiera and Lia on Instagram and LinkedIn.