Master Your Bliss Life

Ep.63- Freedom to Create Yourself with Kimberly Smith

Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss Episode 63

In this episode, Lia is joined by Kimberly Smith, her podcast manager. They discuss the difference between finding yourself and creating yourself. By choosing to get out of your comfort zone and try something new that you've always wanted to try... you're one step closer to your bliss life. 

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Host: Lia Bliss on LinkedIn and Instagram

Guest: Kimberly Smith on LinkedIn

Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss

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House of Herby Podcast

Podcast Producer: Kimberly Smith


You’re listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Join Lia Bliss as she dives into the magical, mysterious, and mundane elements of life, helping you to master your purpose and find your bliss..


Here we go. I love when I get people on Zoom calls. I'm like, let’s do a podcast episode right now. And then we do it, and it's so fun. So here, welcome. The elusive ever behind the scenes, hardest working podcast manager I ever had, Kimberly Smith.




Welcome to, you now you get to be on is this a stage? You get to be on, quote unquote, stage.


On stage.


I’m so impressed. 


My nightmare. We like to go beyond our comfort zone though. Right? That's how we grow.


That's, I, I like to think so.


Actually, that is what my shirt says. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.


Life begins – isn't that the truth? 


Name of the podcast.


Well, you get to name them. So Kimberly…


Oh, I do get to.


Kimberly manages all the podcasts behind the scenes, and it really, I mean, you don't love being front and center and having all the attention on you.




And I love getting to just show up, do the song and dance, and then be like, please handle this. 


You're really good at it. 


I think well, I think I mean, it I mean, it's all about playing to your strengths. Right?


That’s true.


I have been working with this new company, and we're looking at doing some podcasts as well. And we've, you and I have talked about having you on as the podcast manager there. And and but in some of these team meetings, we talk about, like, they really wanna focus on only do the thing that makes you the happiest. Only we only want you to work on things that are gonna, like, projects that are gonna enliven your spirit. And it's such a, it's a wellness company. So, I mean, all about wellness.


Well, that's good they’re...


Yeah. Such a unique way to go about things.


Well, it's good that they're also backing what they, you know, their beliefs…




What they're selling, they're also, like, we do this. We live this.


Yeah. It's great. So we get to we get to do our, but, we still need to not live in our comfort zone. So a great point. But I was gonna ask you. So you've you, unlike most of the guests, have actually listened to every single podcast episode. 


Every single one.


Mostly, it's your job, so, you know, not for fun. But 


Almost like paint friendship. Right?


Paid friend, like a sorority, but this is my grown ups. No. I was in a sorority actually in college for one semester, and it was lovely. But I didn't, college and me didn't get along, so I didn't end up…




… in a sorority. I'm just like, one of my best friends is, like, flirting with the idea of getting her PhD. And I was like, that is so cool that there are people who love academia that much. I am not one of them.


PhD sounds like you have to be very committed. That's… a lot. 


Right. But if you love it, you love it. And so do what you love. But.


But it goes back to what you're saying with that other company. Like, they, when you are doing something you love, you have more energy for it. You give it more of your all you, like, I see that with kids, with my kids. I've got a lot of kids. 


How many kids do you have?


It depends how you count them. I have given birth to six children. 




But I've also raised another, so I have 7 that I've raised/raising.


Seven children. 




I can't even fathom. But, yes, the the…


I may not have all my marbles. 


You obviously, it didn't come away. But, yes, children are all, as humans, are all different.


All of us. Yeah. And so there's different strengths. There's different interests. There's different so, like, you know, I tried to get my kids to all have piano lessons, and you could tell when they were going through times where they just dreaded it. And it was like pulling teeth, and they went so slow in their progress. But then they'd have that second wind or hundredth wind, or however many times they went through that cycle, and then they'd cruise through the material because they were really into the song or really into the teacher, you know, the way the teacher was teaching it or the incentives that was, you know, something about it. And you learn so much better and you work forward so much better when you're interested in said subject or whatever.




With work.


When you care about it and it sparks joy…




… you wanna do it more. 


You wanna wake up in the morning. 


Yeah. Well and finding that thing is such a hard part because, you know, mastering your bliss life, figuring out and living living the life that you wanna live starts with figuring out the life you wanna live with, and kind of the beginning of that is, like, what do I even like?


Yeah. So you have to cast your net wide and just try a bunch of, get out of your comfort zone, try a bunch of things, you never know. Similar with food, like, when you're kids again, I'm I don't know, I'm gonna have a lot of kid references probably, but, Just try it. You don't know if you like it. You've never tried it. 


Yes. Just try it. And I think one thing that adults should – I'll say should – be better at than kids maybe are. Is this idea of being which I'm gonna say this. And then as I say it, kids are actually way better at it. But this idea that, like, you don't have to be perfect to try it. You don't have to be successful on the first try. You don't have to even be good at it. 


Oh my goodness. Along those notes, like, if you've ever watched a baby try to learn to walk, and how many times they fall and bruise and bump their head and get hurt and cry and yet every single time they get back up, to try again. 


Yeah. I don't know that any of us gave up on learning how to walk.




Right? But, I mean…


Just somewhere along the line, we lose that we get afraid of failing and afraid of getting hurt. 


Yeah. Yeah. Because it's like, oh, what if I look dumb? Or what if I am not good at it? I remember, I read, when I was pregnant, I read this book about the best way to encourage children's success. And it talked about this study, where they would take it was, like, second or third graders. So, you know, 6, 7 year old. And maybe 8, 9. I don't I don't know how old children are in different grades. I only have one. I don't pay attention. But they're taking these young kids and they've given them a puzzle to complete. Half the kids, and it's an easy puzzle, to the degree that every single child is expected to be able to finish it without really a lot of difficulty. And the first half of the kids are told, wow. You're really smart for figuring that out. Wow. That looked like it was so easy for you. You must be really smart. The other half of the kids, they said, wow, you work really hard. You're a hard worker. You put in a lot of effort to get that done. I'm really proud of you. And so one was validated for their inherent skill, and one was validated for their work ethic. 


The effort they put into it. 


Effort. Right? Skill versus effort. Then they asked the kids, do you wanna try a harder puzzle or do you wanna do one that's similar to this? The kids that were told, you're so smart, you, that must have been really easy for you. I validate you for your skill. Were less likely to try the harder puzzle. Than the kids who were validated based on their effort in success. Because when you're told, hey, you're you're a really hard worker and I value the effort that you put in. You wanna show, hey, yeah, I'm gonna harder, and I'm gonna I'm gonna put in more effort. I'm gonna try a harder puzzle versus, oh, if I try a harder puzzle, I might not be as good at it, and then I would lose the validation that I'm receiving.


The approval, the yeah. 


Yes. And so I think as adults, it's like I mean, I remember growing up. Oh, you're so smart. Oh, you're so good at that. Oh, you're so smart. That's like, I specifically remembered. Not that I did this consciously, but almost that I never took like hard classes. I always took, like, basic English, basic math. I never did any AP classes. Nothing. Because my identity was so wrapped around the fact that I was the smart kid. And if I was taking the average classes or the, quote, unquote, dumb kid classes, I was always guaranteed to be the smartest person in the room. 


You were the big fish in the little pond. 


Yes. And I don't think that it was a conscious decision in that regard. It was more like, Those classes sound hard, and these classes sound easy. But there is such attachment.


Yeah. For me, I think it was along those lines. But, yeah, I was always told that I'm so smart. I pick up on things really fast. But I found my hang up was I did take, like, the honors classes and, you know, trying to take a bunch of college credits in high school and, but when things were challenging, when things were not easy for me to pick up, I gave up so fast. Like, I was like, oh, this isn't me, but I can't do this. I've just ins’t my strength. 


Yeah. If it's obviously not my strength, so I'm not gonna work at. 


Yeah. I didn't even know that, oh, just put more effort into it. Like, go back. So that, I really, I, you know, You put a lot of effort into that and good job. It wasn't that at all. I didn't see that as valuable. 




I thought it was either you get it or you don't get it.


Right. The end. Like, it either…




… or you don't participate.




Which is where I didn't do sports at all because I didn't feel like it came naturally and I had no work ethic. In high school, for sure. But I was listening to a different podcast the other day, as I was on my weekly caravan travel, my weekly road trip to the non-possessive boyfriend's house.


I don't think we <inaudible> 


I don't know if our hot girl walkers know about non-possessive boyfriend.


Non-possessive. The, well, it's just this idea that, like, there's so much like, your relationship is so specific to you and your partner, that my partner feels sometimes that there's too many assumptions made with some of these more possessive terms. And so because I'm an asshole, I am like, that's my boyfriend in a non possessive way. But I digress. I have however…


You are your own person.


You're your own person. I don't own you, but…


And your special someone. You're a person that is their own individual person too. You don't own them. Of course. 


Of course. And if you act like you own them, you should probably chill the fuck out. But –


Or not have a you know, a boyfriend.


Yeah. Maybe just be easy.


Be single. Do do everyone a favor. Just be single. 




If you’re posessive and controlling and -- 


Yes.Too many of those. But we're in a mid-distance relationship, meaning we live, like, more than a convenient distance away, but not really a far distance away. So Anyway, I digress. This is off topic. But I was drive, so I drive an hour. Takes me about an hour to get to his house, and I drive it at least once a week. And I was listening to this podcast talking about reinventing yourself. Podcast is called House of Herby by Queen Herby. Love her. Everything she does is perfect, in my opinion. But it was this idea that you can change your sense of identity by changing those core beliefs about yourself. Right? So, like, I'm bad at soccer, which is true. I could just decide that I'm not and then work really hard. And I might not ever be good at it, but I would lose the identity that I'm bad at it.


Makes sense, actually, because you're viewing yourself, like, your beliefs, you're changing your inner beliefs -- Mhmm. -- about what's possible and what you are instead of that narrative of, I am this, therefore, I will always be this. – Mhmm –  Breaking outside of the…


Literally just change your mind all the time. 


I love that. 


You can just change your mind. You can just re I'd like reprogram your internal self identity. And I've used this story many times, but in junior high, we, there's like this big group of friends that I was in. And by friends, I mean people that I spent time with. I don't know that they were necessarily friends. But we did the color code book and it organized you into four different categories.


Oh my goodness. I remember that from way – That's an old one. Right? 


That's an old one, right? So -- 




-- like, the red,


… yellow.


Yeah. So the red were, like, kind of the assertive, aggressive, leaders, like, strong. Blue was, like, lawyer types. Right? The Right? They're they're very analytical. They're very process oriented. They very much, you know, are focused on being right and being smart. Then there was white, which were, like, the people pleasers. The Peacekeepers is what they called it, which I feel like Psychologists come a long way because none of these actually sound very flattering. Right? The Peacekeepers, which to me just such…


Which category do I wanna be in? Kinda none of those. 


Kinda none of them. Yellow. Yellow was, like, the party people.




And that's self identified. So I got yellow in junior high, which was, like, here for a good time, always about the fun, really fun-focused, energetic, and charismatic, and gregarious, but, like, lacks the ability to, like, follow through or have focus have discipline, blah blah blah. That was my story. I'm just, I'm just fun. I'm just an irresponsible, good time girl.


And it reminds me of a song, Kesha.




The party don’t start till I walk in. 


The party don’t start till I walk in. We should have Claire on here. she loves Kesha. But yeah. I would, like, self identified as Kesha, which if you've ever met me in real life, And I'm sure if you ever met Kesha in real life, she's probably not like that. 


Probably just playing a character.




Although, you have insider…


I have met one of her exes. 


A little bit of insider information there. 


On Kesha. A little bit. I did date one of her exes. That is a long story. But, and all of their names will stay not public. But I dated one of her 


Except Kesha, apparently.


And, that's not even her real name.


Oh, that's true. That's true.


And he said that she was, in fact, quite crazy and difficult to get, like…


Not playing a character.


But the whole thing, like, that poor girl’s been through enough. Like, yeah, you get, but it's kind of the same thing. You get pushed into this limelight. You get pushed into this box that people think that you are and that you think that you are. And then you behave that way for years and years and years. And I probably spent like 10 years, wasting my time in this weird, like, I was the only one who decided how much weight that it carried.




But it didn't act it wasn't actually true at all. I it just like, one day, I woke up and was I think I'm the most responsible person I've ever met. I am more organized than everyone I know. I am nothing, I am not just a good time party girl. I am actually like a really good adult. But I had to re-learn that. 


And here you are now. 


And here we are now. And for you, like, I know that you've had an, as you and I have talked over the course of many years, it has, it's more so been the assignment of the identity from other people.




Right? It's so easy to let other people who who we truly do value or respect – Maybe at the time, we lose respect for them later. But someone comes in that we love and respect, and they tell us who we are. And then that becomes where we're locked into. And it takes a whole lotta lotta to like unlearn and reprogram all of that?


You know, I used to think that I had lost myself, and I was trying to find myself. And then I found that, I don't know, anonymous quote that was like, It isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself. And I love the empowerment of that. That, No you're not just trying to find a loss part of you. Like, you can create yourself to be whatever you want to be and your life to be whatever you want it to be. Sky is the limit. 




There’s a whole world out there. 


Bliss Life. 


Yeah. And one thing I like to tell my kids is there's 7 billion, maybe 8 billion now, people out there in the world, and they're all living different lives. Like, there's not just one way to live life. But we're so, you know, to start in our own little world of our experiences and the people we know and what they have told us is possible or not possible, what we should and shouldn't do. And so…


All that programming. 


But, no. It's all just, that's putting us in a box. Like, we can do, we can create whatever we want.


Right? You're one decision away from a completely different life. You can move to Africa tomorrow.



Lia Bliss

Yes. One decision away. Just keep making progress towards what you want and becoming what you want. It doesn't have to be a “tomorrow I am that” or “I tried it once and I'm amazing at it.” It's if you want it, just take one more step. One more step.


Yes. Or and I would add to that, like, you don't find yourself you create yourself, but you also have to… it's not that you need to learn who you are. It's that you need to unlearn who you're not.


That's yeah. That's a good point. 


And I think so many of us right? We were told these things. We were, we were labeled so early on in our lives. And then we have to, and it's just become gospel truth for so long, because it's like, well, that's, I've never even thought about questioning that.


Yeah. And then you get into, like, psychology and how you were raised and like, my personality is more of a, has become, or whatever. I don't know. Maybe I always was, like, more of a people pleaser. I call myself a recovering people pleaser.


Recovering people pleaser. Yes.


Yes. But like, you know, because we are, as kids, we're rewarded for certain things, punished for certain things, and it kinda shapes us…




… you know. And so, like, between my upbringing, religion even, you know, intermixed in that, I didn't really grow up with a lot of critical thinking skills and questioning what people told me. A lot of times I would just take it as, oh, yeah, that's truth. And then I feel like that gave me not a lot of confidence in my own opinions and my own thinking. And so I was susceptible to other people that came off as more confident and more… so if they were confident, then I'm like, oh, you must be right.


Which I mean, talk about fake it till you make it.




Right. I don't have to be right. I just have to be confident.




And that's…


And I fell into believing that.


Dangerous. Yeah. Yeah. Because and not only for people like you who were so influenceable. But for yourself, just because you, like, being curious is probably the biggest thing we can do for ourselves. Why am I like that? Why do I do that?


Why do I believe that? Why do I think that? Why does that make me feel this way?


Yeah. Oh, yeah. 


So many questions.


One big thing in my relationship, we are constantly just trying to figure out why did that why did that happen? Why did I have that response? Why do I feel this? Why do I think this? And so one of the kind of unspoken rules at at least that I have for sure is that, like, and I'll tell them all the time. I'm never gonna come to you in my emotion. If something happens and I feel the emotion, I'm not going to respond emotionally. I'm not going to lash out emotionally. I'm not going to even yeah. I'm not gonna come to you in my emotion. I'm going to get curious about that emotion, like, oh, that happened. And then I felt this kinda way. Why? What was my thought process? What was my rational? What was my, what did they do? What are the actual factuals here? Right? Always back to the actual factual.


Have you always been like that or did you have to teach yourself to be like that?


I definitely had to teach myself. 


I don’t feel that’s what many people do. A lot of people do in their anger, you know, they wanna hash it out right now.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. 


And things get worse. 


Even in a kinda way. 


Things always get worse. 


Yeah. Well, it's it's so much in the ego. Like, where I, it took a long time to disconnect my emotions from reality. And not to say that, like, your feelings aren't real, but What actually happened versus what am I feeling about it? And to take a look and be like, okay. And I guess it's a part of that, like, radical responsibility, like, I'm accountable for my own feelings. This person didn't make me feel a certain way. This person acted, which triggered a feeling in me, And where did that come from? It's this curiosity about it. It's it's because I think, so in my first marriage, technically only marriage, but that's a whole story. In my first marriage, I would, he was really mean. Like, he was very, very emotionally a manipulative and abusive. And I remember that I would be discredited oftentimes because I couldn't, I couldn't come back with verbatim. I would say, I would use a lot of I feel kind of language. Right? Well, you know, you said something that made me feel this way. And it's like, Well, you're too sensitive because that's not what I said. I said, Well, that's how that's how it came across to me. But that's not what I said, thus, your feelings are invalid. And so through a lot of that weird, like, abusive programming, I had to really I, like, learned how to separate those things where I was like, no. Here is verbatim what you said and what you did, those those words made me feel this way. And so I real and so It wasn't a healthy way to learn that. But I really had to separate what happened and how I felt because my feelings didn't matter. It's only if I could argue it with logic and reasoning and and facts. Right? 


Isn't that what they say, like, when anger enters or emotional an emotional state, like, your brain turns off, your logical brain.




You can't be logical when you're emotional.


Right. Well and I would say you can't be logical when you're, like, giddy, when you're you can't be logical when you're in love. You can't any kind of strong emotion, it's just like, logic goes out the window. And I think it's important that we recognize when we're like, Right? Emotions are just visitors in our body. We are we are not emotions. I am not an emotion. I am not angry. I'm feeling angry. We feel them. They are if we think of emotions as visitors in our bodies, It's like I think I think you remember the episode of the podcast where I talked about feeling embarrassed that I got, like, sick to my stomach embarrassed when you're, like, laying in bed. And all of a sudden, you remember all the cringey things that you've done in your life, and you just, like, feel gross. You're like, Look. Wow. I can't believe that. And our when our first instinct is to, like, push those away, be like, oh, I don't wanna feel that. But I had to sit with myself and be like, I am safe. Literally nothing. I am in my bed in in my home alone. I am totally safe. What would happen if I looked at this feeling? And most feelings, if we fully embrace them and allow them to pass through us and really feel them in all the gross or beautiful things that they are. Like, they don't last very long. And so non-attachment is a big part of it. Like right? If I'm feeling in love, if I'm feeling enamored, if I'm feeling euphoric. I know that that feeling isn't gonna last, and I can't do anything to make it last. I can just experience it to a fullest degree. The same thing with anger or if I get my feelings hurt. It's like, I'm just gonna experience this because I know it's gonna go away, and a different emotion will come later. I don't have to be attached to this feeling of anger just like it all have to be attached trying to keep this euphoric feeling around. They're both gonna be there with a dozen other emotions And so they're just things that I experience. Right? And it comes down…


That's true.


And it's like lack mentality. Right? Oh, no. If I don't hold on to this feeling of love, I'll never have love again.


It's like if I can't hang on to it at this level, it's gonna only go downhill from here.


Yes. Yes. Right? And if we think about that with, like, food. Right? Imagine hoarding ice cream because you think that there's never going to be ice cream in the world again. You could never enjoy the ice cream. 


My freezer isn’t big enough. 


Right. But you also, like…


You couldn't enjoy it.


You you wouldn't enjoy it if you were worried that every single time you ate was the last time you would eat. It wouldn't be a fulfilling experience.


Probably why diets don't work. For me. 


Just lack in general. Right money. If you're like, I don't know if or how or when I'm ever gonna have money again. I better right, we have this really icky attached feeling. It's like, hey, man. Shit comes and goes. Emotions. So that's a very long rambling answer to your question. How did I get like 


You must be getting old and wise.


Old and wise.


We're getting wisdom as we get older and have crappy experiences. 


Right? Two parts, one part trauma, two parts non attachment, one part just self total grace. Grace for yourself, like, Hey, man. You were super angry. And that's okay. You didn't take it out on anybody though. The rule is you can be mad, but you can't be mean.


Can't be mean. That's a good one, cuz you can't what's the analogy I had told to me? Like, if you break a plate, you can say sorry, but it doesn't put it back together. It doesn't, it'll never be the same again. So once something is, you know, done, broken, said…


… mean. Once you're mean to someone, you can't unbean to them. 


Right. They will always remember that. 


So a long and rambling episode about parenting and emotions and all the things.


Getting out of your comfort zone. 


Getting out of your comfort zone. Practice. Yeah. Practice feeling your emotions. Gosh, what would that feel like?


That's a good one. That's something I've been trying to do is get more in tune with what I'm feeling in the moment because I've gone so many years pushing that aside or stuffing it down because I didn't matter. I needed to, I needed to put everyone else's emotions ahead of mine and what they're feeling


And you can you can recognize that that was an unhealthy behavior but you can still love yourself through unlearning it.


Definitely. Yeah.


That is the goal. 


I was where I was then. I am now more awakened. 


More aware.


Hopefully further along the the loving myself spectrum.


Yes. Well and the growth is not linear. 




So two steps forward, one step back, three steps back, and 10 steps forward, however you gotta do it.


I will say, like, I think it was your last episode where you were talking about the the cycles, you know, that we go through in life and you know, kind of having that relaxing, recuperating kind of part of the cycle. And it reminded me again of another analogy where it was kinda like, you know, an archer when you're pulling back the string like that 2 steps back, you know, it's just getting you ready to propel forward.


I love that analogy. 


Yeah. Instead of it being, like, an aw, I’m taking and sliding backwards. It's like, no. You're just getting ready for your next…


You're building momentum.




Yes. That anticipatory energy. It's so exciting. So two steps forward one step back. We're all gonna make it. The episode as all episodes. Sponsored by Lunar Herbals. Lunar Herbals came to the rescue. My sleep schedule has been crazy. Crazy. As in, I slept 3 hours last night, and I feel great. 




I woke up at like, 6:00 in the morning yesterday. I was awake until 3AM this morning and just not tired, not like, gotta stay awake or even insomnia. I was just like, in a great mood, in great spirits with a lot of energy and just awake.


That's amazing.


3:00 fell asleep, woke up at 5:30. 


We all need that. 




Think of what you can get done. 


Yeah. Except for I just laid in bed and was like, why am I not falling asleep? What's happening? So I took the Lunar Herbals Elixir of Rest. I would say that's probably my favorite one. Something about this Elixir of Rest. It's -- 


The feel or the taste?


 -- both. Both. The taste is divine. And it's just like something about, like, a warm beverage right before bed. Maybe it's just like the cottage core grandma in me, but I love it. I the one I use the least is the Elixir of Love. Because I feel like I have enough love in my life right now. But also, it's like low-key in aphrodisiac and that makes me afraid.


Like, if I got more of that, uh-oh. Gotcha.


If there was more attraction in my life, oh, I don't think I can. Sometimes I'll have to get work done.


Sometimes. Yeah. Unfortunately.


Sometimes. Sometimes I need to sleep. Anyhoo, overshare. Check out Lunar Herbals dot com code leah 10 LIA10 for a discount. And anything we're gonna put in the show notes today? Oh, we'll we'll link the Queen Herby podcast because she…


Queen Herby. I don't know her, but she sounded it right in that one thing, so I'll check her out too.


She's so great. It's her and her husband. They've been in the music business for a long kinda talk about creativity. So it's more more with this witchy shit, but we


I like podcasts. I like listening while I'm on my walks, runs. Ooo. I ran a mile this morning just to see if I could. 


Wow. Oh, hot damn. A Hot girl run. 


Usually, I do a run/walk that's, like, 4 miles or so, but and just try and run as much of it as I can, which obviously isn't much because it takes me, like, an hour to do 4 miles. 


That's pretty good.


It’s not bad, but


Not bad it’s, like, a 15 minute mile. That's not terrible.


Yeah. But today, I just…


For a beginner. 


I know. I'm trying. I'm trying to stay consistent. That's my thing right now is I'm not trying for any goal other than just consistent. Just keep doing it. Make the habit.


I love it. Well, make the habit. Get out of your comfort zone. Hot girls, hot guys, hot couples, hot people, hot, however you wanna identify. 


Hot walk. Maybe we should just call it hot walk. 


Hot walking. Hot walking. Enjoy your hot walking. 


And it is summer too, so it's fitting. 


It's very hot. So enjoy your time. Love you so much. I'll see you real soon. Bye.


You have been listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Make sure to check out the show notes for any relevant links and follow Lia on Instagram and LinkedIn.