Master Your Bliss Life

Ep.66- Create Rituals for Great Sleep Hygiene

Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss Episode 66

In this episode, Kiera and Lia discuss their favorite nighttime routines, sleep hygiene tips, and morning routines that set them up for success. Using this chunk of time is crucial for setting the day's tone ahead. They cover sleep hygiene hacks like winding down, creating a serene atmosphere, incorporating a weighted blanket, shutting off the brain before bed, and finding time to connect with your partner. Listen in to explore different perspectives on winding down and creating a relaxing atmosphere with the insights they provide. See which ones you might try to enhance your sleep quality, and share what works best for you.

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Hosts: Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss

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Lia on LinkedIn and Instagram

Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss

Podcast Manager: Kimberly Smith

You're listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Join Kira Masters and Lia Bliss as they dive into the magical, mysterious, and mundane elements of life, helping you to master your purpose and find your bliss.


I saw this Instagram post that was this girl. She was like, this guy got me this gift on a date. I thought it was sweet until I realized that I didn't understand the assignment, and it was a bottle of wine with hair ties on the neck. So that she drinks wine and needs to tie her hair up. 


Oh, my. Fuck. Okay then. 


Yeah. I was like, Oh, that's funny. Oh, that's funny. What? Funny. Welcome to the podcast. 




We're gonna start with blowjob innuendos. I mean, what a way to start your day. Maybe end your day. I don't know what time you listen to this podcast. 


Whenever it may be. Whenever it may be. You do -- Your hot person walk. I really have, like we I mean, we've talked about it for the whole podcast. Right? Since day 1, we've talked about this hot girl walk thing. Mhmm. And the other day, so, like, listens a whole mid distance relationship rate, So it was an hour a half away, which it's, like, too far to make it, like, a casual thing. And so I wanna come, like, for several days at a time, blah blah blah. But we like, I ended up having, like, 4 or 5 days where I didn't see him. And we'd had built this, like, because there's a bunch of dogs. Right? We got 2 dogs. And, normally, we take them on walks after work or at night because it’s cooled down. But I didn't have any dogs. to take on a walk, but I still, like, felt intrinsically like, I need to go on a walk. It's 8:30. I must go on a walk. I meant And then then I took my son and my sibling who lives with me. I was like, we're going on a walk. Cuz, like, 7 o'clock hits, and I'm like, oh, my bed. Oh, I'm leaving bed and watch TV. Oh, it’s…


My body’s not moving.

Lia [00:02:28]:

But going to bed at 7 PM is lame. So I was like, okay. I just need to be up for, like, another hour and a half. I can go to bed at 8:30 and feel like a total – 


Yes. We know we can do it. 


And so I, like, We got up, and we didn't make it on this walk till, like, 7:38. And then by the time I got home, it was, like, 9. And then I was like, oh, I have, like, this resurgence of energy. Maybe. 


Of course. 


Of course. And I was like, oh, this, like, 7 PM hot girl walk is really the time for me. Yeah. Do the thing. So I'm I'm I am a believer. I don't just do it. I don't just say it. I do it. 


Get the body moving.


Get the body moving. But I don't listen to our own podcast. – No. -- It would be a little too in the ego. 


Yeah. I I mean, I listen to it, like, maybe on a drive here and there, but.


Quality control. I listen to -- 


Hot girl run, I listen to other things. 


Yes. Yes. I, yes, agree. It's good and fun. It's those healthy habits, but speaking of sleep. Let’s talk about sleep hygiene. – Yes – What does your sleep hygiene look like? What's your number one sleep hygiene tip?


Oh, yeah. I'm drinking too much. Too much water.


Don’t drink too much water before you go to bed. Yes. I would – 


All day, if you want to. 


I could extend that to, like, don't drink too much –


Too much before you –


Period. -- period. Before -- 


I drink too much before I go to bed, like, an I I try to limit it to, like, an hour, at least an hour and a half to 2 hours before bed because I am up throughout the night. Yeah. I feel like an old person. Nothing. I mean, like, up 2 to three times. Go out. Go to another, go pee. Come back.


Right. That's so funny. 


Damn it. 


I cannot remember the time I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee. 


Oh, man.


And I am drinking, like, probably 64 ounces of water a day. 


And I drink, like, a 120. 


Yeah. So maybe that's the difference. 


So – I just don't. – Yeah. But I I a lot that I was, like, gating up 2 to 3 times, and it was just disrupting my sleep. I'm like, oh my god, to pee. What is the deal of life? That's true. It takes a while to fall back asleep and nothing. By the time I fell back asleep and get into a deep sleep, I wake up having a big end. It just shows everything else. So now I, like, Not too much. No. No water before bed. 


That's fascinating. 


What's your your biggest sleep hygiene tip?


It depends on what house I'm in.-- Mhmm. – Right? because at Scott's house, we We always light candles before bed, and it, like, it's just like this like, it's not romantic, but it is romantic.


It’s relaxing. 


It’s part of the nighttime routine, and it's relaxing. And so we do, like, the right, lay in bed and chat for 20 minutes and both fall asleep. Chat – goink. Hankoing.


Some days what it is. We use our mouths.


No blowjob innuendo. Sorry, mom. But No. But have it just, like, having the soft light, like, I saw something the other day that was asking, it was one of those, like, interviewing people on the street.  And they were like, what's your gay agenda? And one guy was like, eliminate all overhead lighting. I'm like, yes. That is also my gay agenda. – Yes. – So the, like, soft candle light and then, like, the wind down and that whole thing is really nice. and then we keep it super pitch black. – Mhmm. – I think that's a big deal because at my but at my house, I have, like, one night light for my son, which is this, like, gorgeous, like, underwater scene that, like, lights up. It's beautiful. It's this beautiful view. Yeah. But We usually don't go to bed till it's dark, and then keep it really, really dark at my house weighted blanket a 100%. I always say you don't need a boyfriend if you have a vibrator and a weighted blanket. That is –


It’s true.


– is all you need in life.


And a pillow. A body pillow or pillow between your legs.


Yeah. After the vibrator. 


Yeah. After the vibrator. 


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you get a body pillow that you can wrap one leg over -- Mhmm. -- and a weighted blanket on top of you --


Oh yeah. 


You'll never sleep so good in your life. 


Like, to this day, I'm like, why did I ever get rid of my pregnancy pillow? – Yeah. – Like, that thing was, like, gold. Like, why did I just do I think I just needed to drink pregnancy? Like, that thing was, like – 


All the time. I dated a guy who slept with the pregnancy pillow -- Really? – Yes. He would put his child in it. She was, like, 3 or 4. – Mhmm. – Cuz they co slept together. And so to keep her from rolling her, like, smacking them, it was one of those, like, big ones -- Mhmm. -- he’d just put her in it, and that –


It was almost like a very large docatot.


Yes. We call it her taco. 




I got to go sleep in my taco. Like, I think that's wonderful.


I don't know why I didn't think about that when I was co sleeping with Alaric when he was younger. Like, I mean, after he was out of the crib, like, he's around 1, but he slept to my bed with me for a while. And I just, like, took a bunch of I took a pillow and, like, put it underneath the comforter and then, like, hooked it in under the other bed so he wouldn't fall off, but that pregnancy pillow would have been brilliant. It was under way back the whole time.


But this is where we come.


Yes. Advise to all you mamas and co sleepers out there. Yes. Y'all throw your pig pregnancy pillow away. Keep it for when they're older.


I have to sit on in bed -- -- in concept. Like, conflicting ideals about co sleeping. Mhmm. because I was a single mom from when Marshall was nine months old. Mhmm. And I really didn't have any serious live-in boyfriends for a while -- Yeah. -- like, a long time. And so I would, like, put like, his crib would be in my room because I was too poor to have a two bedroom. Yeah. So my room anyway. And then it was like, Well, this is dumb. Well, this is dumb because it's just me. And so -- 


Yeah. Nobody's coming over to sleep over or. 


Right, I'm not sharing the bed with any person, and I don't really need to, like, stay awake once he's gone to bed for, like, me time because I didn't like, that wasn't something that I needed. And so I was like, I guess we're just gonna co sleep. So we've co slept for, like, 7 years. Mhmm. And I have no problems with it. Zero 0 problems. I think it's wonderful. I know that one day he's gonna wake up and be like, this is weird. I don't know. You need more. And I'm like but until then, like, It's a huge part, like, of our nighttime routine where we like. Talk about the day. He's been on this new kick where he me to set an intention for the next day. Like, he's like, mom, what are your intentions for tomorrow? And, like, we went to -- Your son. -- we we went to look at an he's just the sweetest boy, but we went to Lagoon, which is, like, 6 Flags for Utah. And he was like, what is your intention for tomorrow? What kind of day do you wanna have? I was like, I just wanna relax both my mind and my body. And he was like, okay. I can help with that. Like, what do you want? What's your intention? And then, bless his heart. He does not know what the term extra means. like, bitch you extra. He doesn't understand -- Mhmm. -- the negative connotation. He only sees it as a positive -- Positive. Mhmm. -- like, extra fancy, extra special, extra whatever. And so we were look he was looking at my nails because I have, like, long super extra nails. with the glitter and the glitz and the gan -- The rhinestones. And he was like, mom, you're well, because When we were hanging out with my boyfriend, he we were, like, playing Frisbee, and he's like, careful. Your mom's nails. You know her? She likes some. And so Marsha was like, Mom, your nails are beautiful. They're like they just give you a little bit of extra. Thank you. – Thanks, Marshall. – That's one thing that you can do tomorrow to be even a little bit more extra. It's like, you know, you can't let me get out the way. Let me count the way. So he's like, mom, I love that you're extra. I'm like, thank god. Thank god. But we don't I mean, every once in a while, I have these moments where I'm like, man, I'm really, like, setting an example. I I'm a role model. Mhmm. because I asked him, I was like, we were talking about, like, dating or girls or something, and I'm like, what a girl's like? And he said, The gym and business. Yes. Like, dude, you're gonna pull a hottie. You're gonna marry a high, high quality female. If you think that women love the gym and business, you're right.




And if that's the girl, you go woo. I'm excited to meet my future daughter-in-law. If he ends up being straight, which -- Yeah. -- go either way. Yeah. There's always time. And there's yeah. -- this time. But it just make he just makes me giggle. Just but I swear every whenever people are, like, having babies, I'm always like, every day is better. Every day is the next best day. I don't ever look back and be like, oh, I wish. Like, I try to be like, every next day, I'm like, what's the new fun thing that he's gonna do or have, say, or be about.


I know. It's fun. Yeah. I ran into somebody the other day, and they were our sons were, like, the same age. And Alarek and I have, like, well, on conversations. Right? He's almost 4 and, like, He's and and she was like, they he's this this little boy who's, like, a month older. And she was like, yeah. He's just starting to talk now, and he's starting No. If he's figured out the word, no. And I was like –


At 4? Oh. I mean, everybody…


Right. They take their own time, but I was like -- -- fine. – And I was like, oh, really? I was like, gosh, Alark. Now you're having full conversations, and she was like, Really? I'm like, yeah. And she was like, she was like, yeah. I'm like, teaching him his numbers. And I didn't even think about it at the moment. I was like, oh, I was like, I know. crazy out of how quickly they start learning. I was like, Alarek can count to a 120. And she was like, yeah. What the fuck? And then afterwards, I left and I was like, I really hope she didn't take that in, like, a way of, like, my child's better than yours. Like, that's not like, how I meant it whatsoever, but I was like -- You're talking this thing. Think about it in the moment. We were just talking about it. I was like, oh, yeah. Like, I mean, Alarek’s just We have full on conversations. He tells me stories. Like, it just, like, well, end of my friend, crazy.


Like, my friend's little daughter, that you met her and Alarek I think have the same birthday. Right?


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. She's brilliant. And so I I look at her, and I'm like, I remember meeting her. And I was like, is my son behind? I don't know. Like, he's, like -- 


He's a tiny adult. 


Oh my god. And I'll take your lit. We need the words she was using. I didn't even know the meaning. Some of these words that I was like, uh. That child is Brilliant.


Brilliant. Both of those girls. The both of those girls are so smart. – Oh my gosh. – But I don't know if it's, like, Right? because you look at the the lifestyle. Right? Just like when when sleep, it's like, what are you doing in your day to day to optimize your sleep? Right. Black out curtains, weighted blanket, whatever you gotta do. Right? Don't drink water. Whatever you gotta do to, like, optimize your sleep. It's also like, okay. What Environmental factors are contributing to your children's success. And so I'm and it's like, okay. He's a full time stay at home dad, and she works full time from home. Maybe. And so, like -- They're always around. – They're always around, but also their dad, like, is come he's, like, former marine, no nonsense, very come correct or be corrected, kinda -- Mhmm. -- which we love. We love that. Mhmm. And alright. He doesn't he doesn't go easy on the girls because just because they're girls. And I'm like, oh, is it like is it a strong masculine presence? Like, is it because, like, they're girls and they have a strong father figure. And so, like, the feminine energy to the masculine energy, they, like, have that different. I'm like, is it because, like, I'm super present with my son. Right? It's that gender opposition, that energetic opposition. Like, is it because they have 2 parents in the house? is it because they, like, socialize pretty a lot? They are probably the most social people I've ever met. Yeah. Constantly, like, throwing barbecues and go on to events and doing stuff, and they invited me to be on there. softball team. And I'm like, I don't I I just I think people underestimate how legitimately bad I am. at -- And softball. -- logitimately bad. Volleyball? Yeah. I'm on my own. To volleyball. And that's fine. Softball? No. And I don't like being yelled at. So no. So you have to say, like, I was like, I'm sorry. I get I never had no wrong number. I’ll just cry. I'll just – no.


So you have to say like, I’m sorry,  like, out of the the embarrassment to the team. But sure. 


Right. I'm still the kid that's, like, picking Daisies is in the field, like, not -- 


Not even looking as the ball's flying at their face. 


Yeah. Yeah.


That happened to me when I was playing softball when I was little. I just thought, like, it's not coming out here. I was, like, left killed and just, like -- And it just -- flew. And I looked up, and I was like, ugh. And I went to catch it, and I didn't close my mitt, and it went into the mitt, and out the mitt, and hit me right in the face.


I hate that. That was me whenever I played soccer. I somehow took a ball to the head, like, to the face. just soccer ball to the face all the time. Like, no body awareness. No. I'm just saying this was not for me. Running and --


Balls fly at my nose. Like -- Yeah. Thank you. You’re not a sports girl, Leah.


I mean, volleyball. But, like, Volleyball's fine. I can do volleyball. I can I'm like, I wanna do a pickleball.


Pickleball. I hear it's, like, the -- You are in but gritty years old. Hey. No. No. No. No. No. You should see a basketball court, a thing at the park, in my backyard, and everybody playing pick a wall is, like, young and hot. 15 to 30, maybe 40. Like and then there's, like, the 1 -- -- eighty year old couple that, like, kicks everybody's asses. But, like, pick walls the new thing, and I didn't know that. I was like, oh, pick a ball. We have, like, 8, 10, 12 pickleball courts. Like, It is it, like, 


Is it like badmitten and Tennis put together? 


something like that. Yeah. – That is bizarre. – I don't know. I've never played it, but I have a bunch of -- Back to sleep. sleep routine, I think is really important because I think that's when your brain really absorbs everything that you've learned throughout the day. Right? Like, it's –


Yes. I think that but I I mean, all of it, like, getting your steps in so I Got a new fitness trainer. So I signed up with Katie, her Instagram, @KatieKeepsitReal. She's my nutrition and fitness now. So so excited, and, like, we're tracking all these things. And it's like, Sleep. How many hours of sleep? How many ounces of water? Are you getting your vitamins? Are you getting and not just are you doing your workout? like, you're lifting workouts. Are you getting your steps in? Are you sleeping the same time every day? Like, how much alcohol are you drinking?


Mhmm. All all of the things combined.


For sleep hygiene hygiene. Whether you're gonna play pickleball before bed and then take a shower, and that sets your body up for sleep. Some people that I live with part time have to they cannot, like, up to the take a shower. Like, can't relate.


I can't relate to that either. Yeah. Somebody who I live with full time past and take a shower first thing in the morning. They stand in there, like, – like, a zombie -- -- under the water for, like, 10 minutes before they do anything.


What do I need to wake up? Wait. Like, do you know what wakes me up? see. Yeah. You know what wakes me up. Mushroom coffee.


Mushroom coffee. Getting my ass out of bed.


My new favorite thing since I'm trying to increase my protein. So my I feel like The best mornings start with the best nights before, but, like, the best mornings, my lunar Urbros, elixir of bliss mixed with coconut coffee concentrate mixed in with my vegan protein. because I use some I use vegan protein instead of creamer right now.


Oh. You just, like, figure out a new way to, like, create, like, a protein. coffee drink like you have because


this brand -- Go, girl. -- o w y n. It stands for only what you need. It's 20 grams of protein for 250 calories. You can get them at Smiths. You can get them at -- Those before, they're pretty good. They're duh-licious -- And they're dairy free. Right? – They’re dairy free -- Mhmm. -- or lactose free. They're all the things free. Plant based protein. You get the chai, and then you mix it with coffee concentrate in water, and then you add, like, a little scoop of the either like mushroom MoCA or Elixir of Bliss. Oh, Lorde.


That's delicious. I mean, I was gonna use my one because I've only tried the chocolate, and I think the vanilla.


I don't like chocolate flavored things. So the chai has been a game changer for me. because then it's, like, my coffee, but it's also my breakfast. And I have it with my vitamins. So all sorts of things. Send us your most favorite either nighttime routine, sleep hygiene, morning routine. To me, like, I feel like nighttime routine, sleep, and morning routine, like, that's a chunk of day. Like -- Mhmm. -- I almost think of that as a part of, like, one day. – The day. – and then the productivity day is the 2nd day. Someone once told me to think about it, like quarters. Right? You've got, like, your morning, your mid morning, your afternoon, and your evening. And so you can -- think about this time frame in a different way. But send us your sleep hygiene hacks.


Yeah. If you have any tips, I'd love to hear it. – Yes. – Hey. You know, another thing that I think too is I think it's really important to, like, not watch TV before you go bad. Put your screens down. Put your phone down. Don't turn the TV on. But that is like, I'm gonna put my phone down, but Somebody I live with likes to watch TV before they go to bed. Yes. Me too. -- ready? Live with part time. Yeah. But it's really hard to, like, shut my brain off on with that screen on. So 


And it's just ESPN news. I don't even care. 


Well, ours are, like, episodes of shows that I he knows I really wanna watch. So I'm like, I need to go to bed, but it's so good. We have


The this is a shocking couple ad admittance. Right? Like -- Mhmm. – What's the word I'm looking for? Like, when I tell you something? I don't remember. My brain -- I can't think -- Yeah. -- deaf. But Jockey secrets revealed, we have 0 shows. We watch zero shows together.


What? Yeah.


Oh. Not shocking. Wow. Shocking. We have shows that both of which have watched.


That we talk. But nothing that you guys are, like, into and watch together right now.


Not one. I don't even have a show right now. And we have we're watching the Witcher, but, like, only in the background, like, when I'm doing other things. Oh, yeah. We just finished the Witcher, the first part of season 3, we just finished that last night. I just saw a picture of stupid Hemsworth in, like, the full makeup and outfit and everything, he looks terrible. – Oh, no. – He looks like a child. Like a -- I don't want them to switch. I know. Who were talking about that yesterday to me? I'm upset. Very sad. Henry, darling, call me. We can talk about it.


Yeah. Please stay. Agarance. Please stay.


He's out. He's out. Out following that story so close. I know me too. 


And you know what? Like, it sucks, but as long as Yanafir stays this. Yeah. His she is my love. 


We're the greatest. Yes. But I mean, Henry Cavill is such a great dude and, like, as an artist -- Elito. -- respectable. to be like, this isn't staying true to the artistic vision, and I'm not just in this for the money. So I'm bouncing. It's like, Okay. Some star power right there. Yep. So proud of you. 


He's Superman. 


I he's everything. He's the witcher. Oliver Superman. I feel like Superman. Who's that? The Witcher. The Witcher.


I mean, that long, white hair and like that.


That's my type, dirty, angry, grunty. Oh, we all know. Lord of the rainy. Angry grunty. broke up with the guy once, and he was like, I hope you find your Aragorn. I'm like, that is so thank you. Thank you. Like, you see me. Thank you. That I I don't think they exist. which is why it's a fantasy. 


But I’ll get as close as I can get.


I will get as close to angry and brooding and birdie and Different kinda dirty, though. Yes. Hard to hard to smelling nice. Anyway, when you had this has not been topic based. get good sleep. Obviously, we need -- How did you sleep? -- be great, actually. It's all the champagne. Yeah. -- my brain abuzzin. Oh. Oh my god. I'll tell you this story. Last last tangent before we shut off. So Scott's trying to be a dumbass. Surprise. And he has the bottle of champagne, We're, like, gonna watch f One racing in the morning, like, have brunch, have mimosas. And he sticks it he's sitting on the couch. He sticks it down between his legs -- Right. -- being a little bit You know, how's it gonna be? Being a little bit literal with a champagne cork, and he's, like, staring me straight in the eyes as he's, like, twisting the cork off. Right, like blowjob inuendos, anyone? And he pops it off.


Please tell me it exploded. 


I shit you not, half the bottle. Just <inaudible>. It is a burden to my memory. It was the funniest thing. Of course, he's like, what? Standing up. He said, tell this story to somebody who would appreciate it.


And all of you listeners, I hope you appreciate that because I did see the doorway dying. 


He just came in and was like, are you kidding me right now? Okay. On that note, enjoy your hot girl walk, get good sleep. Life is meant to be lived. And so sleep good, eat good, champagne. 




That's what I have to say about that. k. Check out the show notes for discounts for Lunar Herbals, for any details, for the upcoming tomfoolery, and we'll see y'all real soon. 


Yeah. Bye.


You've been listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Make sure to check out the show for any relevant links and follow Kira and Lia on Instagram and LinkedIn.