Master Your Bliss Life

Ep.70- Play the Game Your Way with Sunni T Connor

Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss Episode 70

In this episode, Lia’s guest is Sunni T. Connor, an author who is a true trailblazer with 7 incredible books under her belt. Yes, you heard that right, seven! Sunni reveals how she once found herself trapped in the daily grind, working the 9 to 5, striving to be the perfect soccer mom and model employee. But despite ticking all the boxes of what society expected, she found herself deeply unhappy.

Then came the pivotal moment when she asked herself a life-changing question, "What do you want?" This question sparked the realization that she didn't have to follow the rules dictated by society. Instead, she decided to live life on her own terms, to wake up in her own fantasy world, and to create her own reality in a way that brings her pure bliss.

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Host: Lia Bliss on
LinkedIn and Instagram

Guest: Sunni T Connor on Instagram, Facebook, and her Website

Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss
Sunni T Connor's Book:
SOCIETY vs YOU: Play the Game Your Way

Podcast Manager: Kimberly Smith

You’re listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Join Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss as they dive into the magical, mysterious, and mundane elements of life, helping you to master your purpose and find your bliss.


Perfect. Let's get started. Yay. Okay. Here we are. I've got the Miss Fabulous Sunni Connor. Is it, do you do Sunni T Connor or just Sunni Connor?

Sunni T Connor:

No. I do need my T. I need the T.


We started --

Sunni T Connor:

Sunni with a T on it.


And I was like, listen. I got tea. Do you want it? So, obviously, the girl needs the tea. I had to tell her the story about how I accidentally met my boyfriend's parents for the first time, and he didn't tell them that I was his girlfriend. He let me tell them. Drama. Anyway, that's a story for another day. That was the tea we spilled earlier. But Miss Sunni here with us, for the hot girl walk, for the hot boy walk, for the hot couple walk, for the hot person walk. And we were just talking about this, and I really, and I love it because I think every single woman has had this experience in one way or another. It's that the very beginning of motherhood you have all your priorities wrong.

Sunni T Connor:




Sunni T Connor:

Yes. Yes. And I also feel…


You've also, you've got a, you said a seventeen year old and a fourteen year old?

Sunni T Connor:

Yes. Yes. A seventeen year old…


You are beyond me. But tell so I know that when I started –

Sunni T Connor:

I’m deep in this game.


In deep. Kinda over it. Like -- Yes. -- by that time, it's like y'all know how to, like, cook for yourselves.

Sunni T Connor:

I mean, what else can I give you? Seriously. I mean, because the the things that you need to absorb, like, a sponge as a young child I've given you that over and over and over again, you know, hygiene, this, that, this, that. And so at some point, it becomes exhausting – Yeah – Being responsible for someone else. I mean, I've been doing it for 17 years. And so now it's kinda like, we're still doing this. We have another back to school night again?


Oh, god. Yes.

Sunni T Connor:

I'm like, oh, I am I in am I in Target buying pencils and backpacks?


Yellow binders again? 

Sunni T Connor:

Yellow. and dividers again. Like, this is so old. This is so old. Like, I'm ready for them to be my friends already. Like, can we just, like, hang out and be cool now? Cause I'm, like, so tired of mothering these children at this point.


Well, well, yeah. And at that point, like, I feel as though you've, if there aren't foundationally, some concepts that they know, right, the universal truths, and you're trying to sneak in some, like, life lessons at the last minute, says maybe maybe the boat has sailed. Like --

Sunni T Connor:

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And so, you know, I dedicated my everything to them for so long that it makes sense for me to be exhausted because I wasn't a mom like we were talking about, you know, before it started, I lost my identity. Being a mother. I did not have my own self and then my mother self. I only was a mother from the point that I had my first child. I only had two, thank god.


I know. yeah. It's, my my dad has I'm the old to 5. And I'm like, that's too many. That’s too many.

Sunni T Connor:

Yeah. That's weird to me. I mean, Come on. Oh my god. Cause they're gonna be different, and that's the thing. And so I’m like – 



Sunni T Connor:

– the universe really played with me. because my first one was so calm and, you know, such this way. And I'm like, oh, I could do this mother thing. I can try it again. And then I tried it again, and it was like, oh, no. Here comes trouble. And so –


That’s so funny. I’ve always heard – 

Sunni T Connor:

– it’s such an adventure.


– that second children are, like this, your first kid, easy. Always. I've always heard that. Your first one is so easy. Your second one? Hell.

Sunni T Connor:

Hell. It was it was it was night and day. It was it was literally, it was night and day. And I was like, oh my god, what is happening? I was like, I didn't think. I thought that if it had to be my child, it had to kind of be, like, the first one. You know? But that was not what happened. And, yeah.


And and you lose, because and it's so easy. And I feel like this happens to a lot of women. It happened to me for sure. I was raised with this idea that and society, I think, teaches us this, that being a mother is the thing that should fulfill you. That this is your divine gift. This is your holiest of holy. This is your ability. Right? You birth life into the world. You perpetuate the race. This is what women do. And it's like, oh my god. Okay. Cool. I've got this, like, responsibility slash obligation slash, like, magic power to create life. And so this is what can and should fulfill me as a person. And then you have a baby and you try to do that. And then one day you wake up and you're like, fuck this shit. I'm over it.

Sunni T Connor:

Yeah, well, you know, what I say now is, like, you know, this is not just my child or my children. You know, these are the universe's children. Like, I'm not the owner of them. Like, I they are they're having their experience in life as well. They're learning. They're making mistakes. And I think a lot of times, once you become a mother, any way that they screw up, you you you hold the guilt. You feel the responsibility of I didn't raise them right. Maybe I didn't listen to them enough. Maybe I wasn't there enough. Maybe I worked too much. You know, maybe I didn't put them in enough sports. But in all actuality, they are little humans in their existence. You know? And they have choices like any other free being here. And you can guide them and show them, but you aren't to be you aren't to be responsible for their outcome the way the pressure has been put on mothers to be responsible to make these amazing human beings when you can only give them the tools that you have, and they're ultimately who they wanna be. They they can choose to be whoever they wanna be. You know? – Yeah. – No.


That whole nature versus nurture. Right? Like, you are who you are. You are born the way that you are. And, obviously, we see this, right, if your kids are not the same person coming out. And you can raise them the exact same, but you also can't. Right? Cause they're 2 separate people. You have to raise them based on the person that they are, not the person that you are. You have to allow them to make choices and make mistakes, and it's not a reflection of you. But, man, mom guilt, that’s so hard to get around.

Sunni T Connor:

Mom guilt. And and guilt is an emotions, speaking of guilt, that I think we shouldn't we should never dwell on anyway. It's one of the most horrific emotions that we have as people. And it's the guilt emotion. And it's because, you know, it it's the one emotion that has no benefit at all. So there's a benefit in being happy and this, but beating yourself down with guilt, like, talking down to self – 



Sunni T Connor:

– and say what self did wrong, even though that moment has passed, has absolutely no effect on making you, advancing you as as a human. So is that is one of those tricky emotions that I feel like is one of the worst emotions because even if you say, well, I felt so guilty, I changed this.



Sunni T Connor:

Really yeah. Really, you probably didn't because at at the moment that you made that decision that, or that choice, you know, that moment is over. You got another choice, like, literally seconds later. Like, we make choices so fast. that we don't even realize. Like, there is no reason to be guilty of anything. We we we have 1,000,000,000 of choices to make. am I gonna wear this shirt? Am I gonna wear that shirt? Am I gonna get up in the morning? Am I gonna get up in night? Am I gonna make tea? Or I'm gonna eat coffee? Am I gonna do calories? No calories today? Am I gonna eat starches? No. I'll go with vegetables. I mean, we are literally making choices so fast.


Click, click, click, click.

Sunni T Connor:

How could you possibly be guilty for choice that you made? And even if that choice was not to pick your child up on time, why would you hold on to that guilt all day long? For just one of the billion of choices you had to make. And so that really helped me as a mother to be like, you know what? Hey. Maybe I yelled too much. Maybe I shouldn't have did that then. Well, I did it. Okay. Moving on next moment. Next choice. I mean.


Right. It's I can't undo it. All I can do is use the data to make a better choice. Right. Because it's like, the guilt doesn't help you prolonged. Right? We can take the opportunity to self reflect and be like, oh, I don't like that choice that I made. I don't like that choice. I shouldn't have done that, but dwelling and guilt and being like, I'm a terrible parent. – Yes – Doesn't help us make the choice next time because we've already decided to make that choice differently again regardless of the guilt.

Sunni T Connor:

Regardless of the guilt. And that's why to me it's one of the most useless emotions. I mean, at least being sad, you get to cry stuff out, you know, you're rebirthing. Yeah. You get to process and cry it out. But guilt is like it's almost like walking around with cancer inside of you. And a lot of people have diseases because they hold on to guilt, you know, things they did when they were children. I mean, it's ridiculous. I feel much –


That's my beige flag is that I assume every physical ailment has something to do with, like, my spiritual state. Like, oh, my tooth hurts. There must be something wrong. I must not be processing emotion effectively?

Sunni T Connor:

That's me. That's me every day. Like, but I talked to my body a lot. I'm like, what's wrong? Why why are you sore? Why are you hurting? What's going on? You know? And then it will it'll be something that click immediately. Oh, you keep worrying about that. You keep worrying about that deadline. You keep worrying about that. Or you it will it will literally tell you. If you ask your body, start turning into your body, like, hey. What's wrong? Do you need water? Do you need this? Like, what's going on? And and it will tell you a lot of times. If you be calm enough and quiet enough, it will let you know, like, hey, you know, you're stressing us out, baby.


Yeah. Yes.

Sunni T Connor:

Like, we're trying to be alive for you, you know, at least to the to the eighties. I mean, you're stressing us out. You're worrying about stupid things, and it's not helping us in the inside.


And then you're bringing my age down. You're bringing my,and quality of life because -- Mhmm. -- I don't I'm not here to just suffer. I was not born on this earth, I did not have a child, I am not working hard every day just to work hard every day.

Sunni T Connor:



I am trying to get stuff done and be happy. So we birth our children. We our bodies, right, and it's and it all comes down to our body. Right? And as women, we were talking about this, like, we we are made to create. Right? Our bodies tell us what we need, whether we're dehydrated, whether we're stressed, whether we got this, that, or the other, like, something's wrong. You can just tap in and be quiet. But and I've got a bunch of friends, and we all talk about this that I might be done having kids. I might not be done having kids, but that doesn't mean that I can't continue to birth things. Birthing things. I mean, you told me you've, how many businesses have you started?

Sunni T Connor:

I've started at least 15 businesses.


15 business. So serial entrepreneur. And right now, your birthing your 7th book?

Sunni T Connor:

Yes. My 7th book, SOCIETY vs YOU. Yes


SOCIETY vs YOU. Okay. I have written one book. I am currently in the process of birthing my second book. That's not a lot of books. So tell me.

Sunni T Connor:

And I that I have four in Spanish as well. – What? – Mhmm. Yeah. 4 in Spanish.


7 in English and 4 in Spanish, or you have --

Sunni T Connor:

Yep. Well, the 4 in Spanish is translated from 4 of the 7 in English. 


Got it. Yeah. 

Sunni T Connor:

So I have 7 books total. But 4 of them, I have translated into Spanish.


Okay. She fancy. Okay. So –

Sunni T Connor:

No, I just, I just felt like that, that, that group of people need that message as well, you know. – Absolutely. – Yeah. I just I just really I feel real aligned with the Latino community as well. So I just felt like, you know, oh, yeah. Imma need them to to have this as well. Like, I can't leave them all.


Yeah. Well, there's so much benefit in being bilingual, tri lingual, because, I mean, in America, speaking one language is common. Everywhere else in the world, 2, 3, 4 languages is common because it gives you access to people. Right? We can't help people if we can't communicate with them. – Mhmm. – And so I love that. I think Shit. I mean, I should get all my books translated. That’s a great idea.

Sunni T Connor:

Yes. Yes. Well, let me know if you need any help with anything. I am an amazing translator. And, I've been learning Spanish for 4 years. Quatro anos. It's hard learning a language. It's hard learning a language, but it's not impossible.

Lia: It's not. No. My sister just got married and –

Sunni T Connor:

And you mentioned those other countries but they start learning languages very young. So a lot of people that know Spanish and English and, from from, like, Latin America, but they they learn English, like, in school. Like, they they start learning really, really young. So, that’s good.


Right, we're disadvantaged.

Sunni T Connor:

I know. Freaking spoiled Americans. So disadvantaged, right?


Stupid, ignorant, spoiled Americans. That's yes. Yes. but tell –

Sunni T Connor:

Gotta love ‘em. 


I know. We can't help what we do.

Sunni T Connor:

I know. I know. We get it.


Yeah. I always tell people that –

Sunni T Connor:

We were born into this. Like, the episode, we were born into this.


We were born into this. Okay. Tell me about tell me everything about your book because I know for me, my first book was, like, Okay. Let's just do the damn thing. Let's just get it done and see if I can do it. The second one feels very much more so like I know kind of an expanded version of what I wanna say, and I've been able to, like, evolve it. So now seven books down the line, I can only imagine that you're like, this is it. This is the message. This is gold. So tell us.

Sunni T Connor:

This is it.


Tell the whole world. Tell the hot girls.

Sunni T Connor:

This is so funny. It's so funny because I switched genres quite a bit. And that's, like, that's a no no. Like, You have to be this kind of author, but the book is called SOCIETY vs YOU because I don't follow society rules at all. I am on this planet for a limited amount of time, and I am going to enjoy my experience. I don't care what everyone else is doing. I don't care what line everyone is in. I don't follow any trends. I literally wake up in my own fantasy world. And I create my reality, and I live life my way. And I wasn't always that way. And so that's how this book got birth because, I was unhappy one day, and I just was like, why are you unhappy? Like, what's wrong? What is wrong with you? And it came to me like, oh, you're doing everything the way you're expected to do it. You know, I was working the 9 to 5. I was doing everything for my children. I had them in 2 different sports. I was burning myself out. I was doing everything to be the perfect soccer mom, the perfect employee. You know, I was employee of the month. I was always on time. I was doing everything correct, but I was unhappy. And then I said, what if you just stop following the rules? Like, What is it that you want, Sunni? Sunni wants to write. – Yes. – Sunni. What does Sunni want? Sunni wants to write. Sunni wants to move to California. Sunni wants this. Sunni wanna be in the sun. Sunni. And so I designed I'm on I'm more like my tenth identity of my self. Okay? I've redesigned myself to what Sunni wants. And I quit my 9 to 5. Okay? I put in my notice. I put my 9 to 5. I left my career. I started writing my books. I started up all these businesses. Some failed. Some didn't. And I just maneuvered my way through, like, every day was an adventure because I didn't know what I was gonna be doing with this business or that one, and I was hiring people firing people. I was learning. I was making mistakes. I was blowing money. Oh my god. I was making money. I was blowing money. I was making money. I was on, like, this adventure, this is what life is supposed to be. And in order to live a life that's free, you have to get outside of society's bubble of what they enforced on you. And that goes for if you are a black woman, how a black woman should act, how a black woman should dress, how a white woman should act, how a white woman should dress, This is classy. That is not. Don't wear red during this time. Don't wear white after labor day. No. No.


I’m wearing a white dress after Labor Day to an event.

Sunni T Connor:

After well, first of all, if you’re wearing a white dress before Labor Day, because it's a Labor Day, like, in a couple days.


Yes. Yes. But I – Exactly. – I'm going to Vegas, and I have an event in September, and I have to wear a formal dress. And I'm like, well, the only dress I have is, like, a blue and white summer dress. And I'm not gonna spend the money to get a new one when I haven't even worn this one yet, and I'm doing it. And fuck all y'all.

Sunni T Connor:

Yeah. Send me a picture. I can't wait to see it. But so that's what happened. That that's that's how the book birthed in a nutshell. it it was fuck society, fuck the rules and become. Become your highest self, become your best self, and every decision extra. So how does this make Sunni feel? And it sounds weird talking to a third person, like, wait. How does it make something? Yes. How does this make Sunni feel? I don't wanna do it. If I don't wanna do it, I'm not doing it. The old me, I did everything I didn't wanna do. If I promised you, I would come to your party, even though I'm exhausted, I would get up and get dressed and make myself, go. And now I'm like, Nope, I can't come. I'm not even about to make up a lie either. Like, I can't come. I'm not, you know, – I don’t want to. – my energy level is down. I'm not gonna be my best self, you know, I'll send you a gift, I’m not gonna be able to make it. And so this whole character was built. This whole identity was built. And she is a bad mamajama. I'm telling you. I love her. Okay. I love her. Okay. She meditates, she skips, she hugs trees. She I mean, – She skips?? – I'm yes. Yes. She does whatever she wants to do. Unapologetically. Right? And the doors that have opened crossing over, and that's what the book is about. Every chapter is about you know, what society has enforced on you and how to break yourself away from the chain, you know, far as the limitations. It's a little bit of teaching, a little teaching about vibration, mhmm, being a mom is –


All of that.

Sunni T Connor:

There's a part in there. There's a part in there about being a mom. There's there's a chapter about money, there's a chapter about vibration, because a lot of people just aren't aware that we're energy, and you can control more than what you think you can. So if you're having a lot of bad experiences, you're putting, your own frequency of bad experiences.



Sunni T Connor:

Right? And so you're on an energy of that experience. You you're being around people that brings bad energy and you know, you're taking your car to the wrong car shop that has bad energy because that's your frequency. Bad things rarely happen to me because I'm not on that frequency.


Yeah. I call that Bliss Luck.

Sunni T Connor:

Okay. So that's that's, like, rare for something bad to happen to me. Like, it's real. It's really rare. Out of a whole year, maybe one horrific thing. But for the most part, like, I'm not on that frequency. It's it's it's kinda like it's not in my reality to get to me. I'm not saying that bad things don't happen to good people, but I'm just saying that when you start to learn energy and vibration, you start to learn that you have more control over this experience than you think. No one is running your life. Right? You applied for that job. You had that child. You know, you picked your house. You picked your couch. You picked your your bedroom set. You are the one that's controlling the show. You picked your man. You picked your hair color. I mean, you are in control of your show. And if you don't like watching your show, change the fucking station.



Sunni T Connor:

And that's, and that's what the book is about.


There you are one decision away from a completely different life.

Sunni T Connor:



All you gotta do is make a different decision. – Yes. – I love that. Sign me up for the book. That sounds amazing. That's, it's the unlearning. I was in a debate the other day with someone just about like, well, I don't wanna unlearn because I don't wanna forget the lessons. And it's like, oh, that's such a great point. Right? We want to remember what we were taught but also know that that doesn't define us, and that we don't have to follow that path.

Sunni T Connor:



I know what the path could be, but that's not for me. Lia doesn't like that. That's not Lia's path. No.

Sunni T Connor:

That's not Lia’s path. No.


That’s not Sunni’s path. That's not all of the hot girls out there. Pick a path.

Sunni T Connor:



Change your path. 

Sunni T Connor:

Change your path. You can reroute any at any moment. you know, it's a part in the book talking about the 3 roads. And, you know, the road in the middle is, like, your truest self is your road. And then you have the one on the left. That's what society says, dude, you live this born life. You make this little bit of money. You retire. You'd be on a beach all wrinkled and old. And, And then you don't even have enough money for retirement, and then you gotta go back to work at Walmart. And then and then you die. You know? 


And then you die.

Sunni T Connor:

And you die on the middle road as well. But you don't know where you're going, but you're just following your path. It's your path. And then you have the road on the left where you're kinda in you're kinda in the middle. You're kinda like, okay. I'm a get a college degree. I'm a get them house. I'll have the husband. I'll have the child. you know, I'll do it this way too. but I always say, and I say in the book, you can cross over to the middle road from either way. no matter which way you goin’. If that way it's starting to suck, just come on over because you were meant to walk your own path. You were meant to make some mistakes, and you don't know where you're going. Like, that's the thing. You can have an idea of what you want for yourself, but how you're gonna get it, you don't know. Just keep walking. Just keep walking. And if you wanna be a best silent author, if you keep writing, and that's all you keep doing your entire life. You just keep writing, writing, writing, write, eventually, you will be a best selling author. You know, because you're just walking down that path. You're walking down that path, and there's no way you're not gonna eventually get to your destination. You know, but your soul is, like, your navigation. You know? It's like –


Yeah. Your internal compass.

Sunni T Connor:

Yes. It's your internal compass. I love that. It's like a perfect navigation.


I love, yeah.

Sunni T Connor:

And so the book’s got so many tools. I mean, it's so many things that you can just remember. You know, you read some books and you'd be, like, after the book, like, oh, that was a good book, but, I mean, how am I gonna apply that to my life? Like, what I gotta do, go journal right now? But, no, this book actually gives you really funny, quirky, memorable tools that you can say right now. Oh, I'm about to change this reality. Like, because you remember the little tools, or you can say, I'm going too far left. Let me jump back in the middle road. So all these little analogies and stuff is what has gotten the book so much attention. I mean, literally it just came out 2 months ago, and I've sold so many copies I'm like, what is going on universe?


Came out to him. Okay. Immediately. So in the show notes, we will link over. What's the best purchasing method. Now that I need to go buy this book immediately. Amazon, your website?

Sunni T Connor:

Oh, sure. Sure. Sure. If you want it fast, you can get it from Amazon, of course. but if you want a personalized signed copy, you can get it from our website. which is And I tell anyone who wants to personalize, and there's a little note section when you're purchasing on my website, where you can say, can you sign it to me? This, this, this, you know, you can leave your name. Or if you if you gifting it to your mom or something like that, you can also do that.


Oh that is cute. Ok.

Sunni T Connor:

Okay. Yes. So, if you wanna signed copy, you can go to But if you want it fast or you want the Ebook, it's on Apple, iBooks as well. Google Play. I mean, it's everywhere. So if you wanna get it from, you can get it from there. Whatever you whatever you prefer. But if you like ebooks, you can get it right from AppleBooks, right from your phone right now. You can get it from right from Kindle, from Amazon right now. You know, it's up to you, what you like. And the audible is coming out the end of next month. So it's not audible yet.


Oh by gosh, yes. Are you doing your own audible?

Sunni T Connor:

I am.


Yes! That intimidates me so much.

Sunni T Connor:

Because I'm so fun and bubbly, and I did hire someone to do it, but she was so dry. And I was like, I don't want them to, like, go to sleep. Like, this is supposed to be exciting when you say that part. And so it was a challenge. It was a challenge finding a narrator that is as bubbly as I am, but, you know.


Might as well just do it yourself.

Sunni T Connor:

Yeah. And that's why I have 2 chapters left to record. It is a pain in the butt. I'm always in a studio. It's annoying because I got all these other things that I need be doing, but, you know, I do go to the studio every Friday, faithfully. Every Friday I'm there, and I record a chapter every single week until it's done. So.


Incredible. That's –

Sunni T Connor:

That's what's been going on. Yeah. 


Right? because that's your center path. That is your path. towards the life of your dreams. We call it the Bliss Life. Right? Because I can't get away from that. But –

Sunni T Connor:

Yes. I know. And that's an amazing last name. I'm so jealous, like, bliss.


Right? It's like–

Sunni T Connor:

I heard you and your dad talking about that. Yeah.


The bliss life. But, yeah, down that center road, and it's like, You want like, even though it's annoying and obnoxious and there's tasks that we don't necessarily wanna do, like, do I wanna do the dishes? Of course, I don't. Do I wanna maybe go into the studio every single week and record this book? No. That's not the same thing as sipping Mai Tai’s on the beach, but – Yes. – That is the life you wanna create for yourself.

Sunni T Connor:

Yes. And when I say it's annoying, don't get me wrong. I am enjoying the audio experience.



Sunni T Connor:

I think the annoying part, just come in with all the editing and, you know – Right? There's just – And my voice making sure my voice the same consistency. I have to record at the same time every Friday because I sound different in the morning than in the evening. Or if my allergies if my allergies act up one day, and then I'm like, oh my god. I gotta record tomorrow. And so is is that part is where it gets annoying. Your voice does not sound the same at 8 PM as it does at 8 AM. You know? And so I literally had to prep my voice the day before. I have to keep in mind, like, I don't do any podcasts. This is rare. You know, I will never do a podcast on a Thursday because I know I need my voice tomorrow. And have to read a whole entire chapter. So.


Wow. The real stuggle. An artist.

Sunni T Connor:

So those are, like, the little things when you're ready to do audio book keep those little things in mind.


Oh my gosh. The struggle. We yeah. – Uh-huh. – I know dad boss did his book And they knocked it out in, like because it was shorter, but they knocked it out in, like, 3 days, and it was, like, 12 hours because he was busy. He had to, like, fly in. He was only here for a couple of days. Bonkers.

Sunni T Connor:



I feel like one chapter a week over the course of --

Sunni T Connor:

Yeah. And see, this is this is this comes in play with creating your own reality because I am the one choosing. So that's what I chose. I chose not to rush. I've published enough books to know not to rush. If I don't know anything, I know that. You know, because it's so amazing. You wanna get it out to the people, get it out to the people, but you gotta take your time with books. You know, you have to get the right editor, take your time recording, but it's magic and doing it the fast way too. I mean, if I coulda did this in 3 days, I actually didn't have 3 days to just say, okay. I am gonna put everything to the side and just focus. I actually don't have 3 days in a row. For a long time before I get, like –


You mean like being a mom and a business owner and having–

Sunni T Connor:

Oh, yeah.


Right? All these things. Like, don't have just 3 days to not do anything and have no responsibility? No.

Sunni T Connor:

I haven't had that in a long time, so I'm like, where would I find these 3 days where I could just cut off in the world. I couldn't do it right now. Right now, I couldn't. – Yeah. – So It's rough. But that's amazing. That's amazing. That's, that's admirable. really it is. So.


I mean yeah. But it's still I mean, I don't know that I would do it. I feel like I'm gonna follow. I'm gonna follow your advice. I'm gonna go once a week. Yeah.

Sunni T Connor:

And then it's so fun. It's like, oh, it's my recording day. It's it's not a lot pressure, you can go in there. You can have fun. You can bring your personality. It it it I know it's nothing else, and this is the second audio book I've done. My first I never even published it. I have all the material, and it never got edited. How horrible is that. but this editor is gonna help me this producer's gonna help me once once this book is done. But either way, I know from doing that book, I tried to I did, like, sometime I would do, like, four chapters in a day, I would just be breeding and reading, and you didn't lose your energy really fast. Yeah. Believe it or not. It's no way the way you start off at this high frequency that you're gonna end like that. Like, your voice start changing and get raspy, your energy goes down, even if you're trying to, like, pump yourself up, now you're being phony because you're, like, overly saying this sentence. Like, yeah, you can do it. Like, no. 


That's fake. And it but it – 

Sunni T Connor:

You’re being fake.


It comes back to what you’re saying even, like, your your energy and your vibration -- like, it's all about the vibration. If you are coming with fake energy into a recording, if you're coming with fake energy into a meeting, if you're coming with fake energy into a job or relationship, like, that is gonna it's gonna, like, reverberate through the whole experience. 

Sunni T Connor:

They get you fake. I mean, they get you, and then you’ll, yeah. You faked your way into that success, and now you have fake success. I mean, there's so many people that lied to them. So I was like, yeah. Yeah. I'm doing this and doing that. And, like, you're not really doing anything, baby. Like and that's okay. But that's okay, but it's just like, hey. you can fake a little bit, but on the only this is this is my rule with faking. You know, the whole fake it till you make it and, you know, my rule with that is. If you believe you're worthy of what you're faking, then you can fake it. You you know what I mean? And I'm not talking about reading in a fake way I'm saying, like, I'm just talking about, like, say, you wanna wear a designer. I mean, I don't even know an example of this.


I've been borrowing energy from your future self. Right?

Sunni T Connor:

From your future yourself. 


I believe that I’ll earn it.

Sunni T Connor:

Because I’m really abundant. Yeah. I really I really do deserve this. So if I wanna rent me a fancy car for the weekend, and jump out in red bottoms and and put myself in a rich vibration for the weekend. I feel like I'm on that frequency anyway. So that's not the same faking it as, you know, stunting. As…


Yes. I absolutely agree.

Sunni T Connor:

You know, you're trying to do it for other people, and you're not on that frequency, and you don't even believe it yourself, you know. So that's really faking it. And people can see it. People can see it right away.


Yes. I was talking with a friend the other day about hosting a big fancy, New Years Eve party, And it's like, I want people there because there are some people that you put into formal wear, like tuxedos, gowns, that whole thing, and they look like they're playing dress up. And then you put some people in those outfits, and they just come alive, and it just fits. And it's like, Which person are you? When you put on that magical Cinderella address, are you playing dress up, or are you becoming the person you are always meant to be?

Sunni T Connor:

Oh, I love that.


Right? So that.

Sunni T Connor:

I have, I have such, a wealthy version of me. 


I am very fancy.

Sunni T Connor:

Oh, she is fabulous. She is she is she is that, and it's not faking. You know, I put it on and I wear it well, and I transform into this whole different version. And I think we should be doing that. I think we should be having more fun. you should be becoming your highest self. What you want for yourself, you have to become it first. Some people say you get what you think about, but you I think more so you get what you think you are.



Sunni T Connor:

Because you can think about money. Right? You could think about this, but are you, do you think you're worthy? If you still have a lot of limiting beliefs from when you were a child or things that happened, You don't really think that you're worthy, and you are, but I'm talking about what you believe, what you –


You attract what you are, and what you believe that you are. What you think -- Mhmm. -- you are.

Sunni T Connor:

Oh, yes. So have more fun. Play more games. Have more fun, SOCIETY vs YOU: Play the Game Your Way is a subtitle is –


Oh my gosh.

Sunni T Connor:

– my baby. I give it away for free. I'm telling you. If someone tells me, look, I really don't have the money, but I heard about that book. I really want a copy. I give it to people. You know, I go to events, And people are short sometimes. I just give it to them, give it to them, because I want people to know there's another way we can be playing this game called life, It's a whole different world out here. You know?


We can have fun and have success. So, Miss Sunni, if I were a listener and I wanted to come and find you, what are the best ways? Like, are there any events coming up? Are you speaking? Instagram, tell me how to get if I wanted to become a super fan, how do I do this?

Sunni T Connor:

Everything that I'm doing, I always update on, Simple, easy to remember. You can always you can book coaching sessions with me. If you're just feeling stuck, you know, if you're just feeling stuck in one area, I've helped a lot of clients in business as well mental, coaching, everything. and, if you're curious about the universe, I would love love to help people. I do give away one free session every month. So, even if you just come to the website and subscribe, you could get a free session for, you know, for that. And, yeah, it's it's all fun. It's all fun. But anything you wanna find out about me is on Social media is sunni_theauthor on Instagram and FaceBook at I do take social media breaks.


As we need to.

Sunni T Connor:

Yeah. So That's just that's just my style. It's what I do. It keeps me it keeps me sane. It keeps me humble. It keeps me in my keeps me focused on what I'm doing and not what everyone else is doing. And I think that's a, I think that's something we all need. You know? So.


Yes. Oh my gosh. Yes. Okay. many takeaways. I don't even know where to start. Have fun. Design your life. Birth more than just, right, like, birth something that makes you happy. Follow the things that bring you joy. Have fun. Be silly. Take action. There's so much. So -- Mhmm. -- we're the hot girl walk, man. I feel like I gotta write this shit down. Whew.

Sunni T Connor:

This one's so much fun. Thank you so much for having me for as well. Oh my god. Okay. 


We're gonna have to rescedule that. We'll do more. But, yes, check out the show notes for how to get a hold of Sunni. And, we'll see y'all real soon. Bye.

Sunni T Connor:



You have been listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Make sure to check out the show notes for any relevant links and follow Kiera and Lia on Instagram and LinkedIn.