Master Your Bliss Life

Ep.73- Dream Analysis with Megan Mary

Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss Episode 73

In this episode, Kiera and Lia are joined by Megan Mary, a dream analyst. Megan firmly believes that dream work is women's ultimate self-care because it's how we can tune in to what's really happening and get our inner guidance versus looking outside of ourselves. One of the dream journeys Megan offers is called the treasure box, dealing with lucid dreaming and dream manifestation because there is a lot of power in intention. Make sure to listen to the whole episode to get the complete picture of why it’s crucial to analyze your dreams and how to do it.

Here are some of the steps discussed in this episode about analyzing your dreams: keep a dream journal, remember what happened and the mood of the dream, ask questions to bring your subconscious to the conscious, and make ties to metaphors instead of taking the dream literally.

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Hosts: Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss

Kiera on LinkedIn and Instagram

Lia Bliss on LinkedIn and Instagram

Guest: Megan Mary on her website 

Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss

Podcast Manager: Kimberly Smith

You’re listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Join Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss as they dive into the magical, mysterious, and mundane elements of life, helping you to master your purpose and find your bliss.


We’re just gonna get started. We aren't here. We aren't here. We are here. So, like, the Who's done in Whoville. Helen Horton. We're here. We are here today with Megan Mary. A dream whisperer. Is that how you would identify yourself?

Megan Mary:

It works. Dream analyst. Yeah.


Dream analyst. Okay. Asking for a friend. Actually, a friend, not me. What does it mean if you tell people that you have prophetic dreams? Are you full of yourself? Yes or no? 




Okay. Because it's my dad. Yeah. My dad always. Kiera, have you heard him talk about this? His prophetic dreams? 




He is convinced he has prophetic dreams, and so that's excellent. But you, All you do, you've got a coaching program. You've got a whole website. Your whole business is dedicated to dreams. And not the kind of dreams that we talk about, like, go after your bliss life, life of your dreams. But, like, the the wild, fantastical imaginings of our subconscious asleep minds.

Megan Mary:



Amazing. I have wild dreams, let me tell you. And sometimes, most of the time, they're so detailed. My boyfriend loves it, sarcastically, loves it when I wake up in the middle of the night and tell him for, like, half an hour all of my, and then this happened and then this and then this happened and then this. It's his favorite part of the day. I'm sure of it. 


I don't remember a lot of my dreams. I don't feel like I dream a lot, but when I do, they're memorable. I don't forget them.


Intense. So -- Yeah. -- when it comes so I just watched that documentary, The Mind Explained, and they talk about dreams. and history of dreams. And people used to say that, like, dreams were prophetic or that you remember in what's that movie? That book. Christmas Carol, right, where Scrooge is like, Jacob Marley, you're just an apparition based off of, like, a indigestion or, like, you could be mustard. And so what actually what are dreams? Because science doesn't really know.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. There's a lot of theories about that, but, obviously, they're from our subconscious. And they're also can, you know, they can be interdimensional realms. Right? So there's a lot of different theories about them. Yeah. There's the scientific theories. There's the psychological theories, and then there's the metaphysical theories. And I fall a little bit in between all of those. Because I've studied all of those different ideas, but, of course, my dream too. And I've had my own experiences, and I really feel like they are messages from our higher self that we really need to harness.


Absolutely. Yeah. My I, my beige flag is that I think everything is, like, metaphysical telling me something. Right? I have a toothache. Like, what does this mean? What do I need to fix in my body like? Right? All of…

Megan Mary:

So interesting you said that because I actually had a guest on my podcast about the metaphysical meaning of teeth.


Wow. Fascinating. I honestly -- 

Megan Mary:

You might wanna check that out.


It's all connected. I just had a tooth removed. I had emergency dental surgery. It was the worst day of my life.

Megan Mary:

So apparently every tooth has a meridian channel significance and problems with each tooth can correspond to different areas of your life. It's really fascinating. Meliors Simms was my guest. She's she's the one who does the meta metaphysical meaning of teeth.


Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. We won't dive into that. Kiera used to be a dental hygienist. 




So Kiera's our warrant teeth expert, but kind of thing. So…


Not into that depth. 


Not to that depth. Wow. That's wild. That's wild. But in in dreams, right, all in the same way that, like, where they say that what's that book? Your the body keeps score, that, like, your --

Megan Mary:

Body keeps the score.


Your body knows the trauma, knows the history. And then I can only imagine, tell me if I'm way off base here. The dreams are like, how your body talks to your mind.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. Everything everything you've experienced is stored in your subconscious.



Megan Mary:

So, good and bad. Everything you've ever taken in, watched, you know, listened to experience Everything you need to work. Take all those little things and take a take little parts of all those things and put it together into a story. to send you a specific message each time.


Fascinating. So how did you get into this? Like, what led you into the realm of dreams. How did you become a dream expert?

Megan Mary:

I've always been interested in dreams ever since I was little. When I was little, I used to have recurring good and bad dreams. It's really good flying dreams, really bad other nightmares. And I wanted to know what they meant. And I used to look it up in books, and I didn't really understand. And when I was about 21, my father passed away suddenly, and I had a visitation dream with him. And thought, okay there's a little bit more to this than what I'm reading in these books. And I really wanna find out more. And I really stopped listening to them for a long time. And when I was busy with my career and just going through life. And then I got really sick with a lot of different illnesses all at the same time. And as a result, started meditating every day and really then started listening to my dreams again, and really received the higher calling to do this specifically to help other women because it was such a part of my healing journey. And I realized that there really needed to be a platform for to bring it into the widespread, you know, consciousness of everyone that these are really available to us, and we really need to harness that and start taking advantage of the guide inner guidance that we all have.


So dreams are more important than we think.

Megan Mary:



More important than we think. Okay.


So -- You know, I've always wondered that every every time I've had a dream where I'm just like. What does this mean? I've googled it. I've tried to look it up, and it's just like –


Every time.


– it takes me to a nowhere point where I don't I'm like, And that doesn't make sense. Like, why would it…?


I always look up the dream dictionary. That's my, like, go to dream -- Mhmm. -- website to look up, like, the themes.

Megan Mary:

Right. And I have a blog that's called Break Up with Your Dream Dictionary because it's basically saying, you know, Stop listening to that because it's not for you. So if you can just –


It can send you in the wrong direction.


Yeah. Okay. Okay. So what? Okay. Educate me because I need to know.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. I'd created something called the Dream Mirror method as a result of all the different research and reflection that I did. And how the method works is that it really draws out your personal meaning to your personal dream because it's your dream. So the two of you could have, you could both wake up and say, I dropped about a snake last night. So did I. But your life experience with a snake is gonna be completely different. So the message of the dream is gonna be completely different.


It's not cookie cutter. Right. different for everybody.


Yeah. Yep. So -- -- like, personal interpretation.

Megan Mary:

Yes. So I created four steps And the first step is memory where you record your dream. You wanna keep a dream journal. You wanna record your dream and record as much as possible as you can remember. And so We have for you that would be really easy because you remember all the details here. You might have to work on really starting to learn those mental techniques to to to recall that. And in the course, I have I have an online course, and I talk about dream recall techniques. but the second step is mood, and that's where you really remember your mood. What mood did you go to sleep in? What was the mood you experienced during the dream. And then what mood did you have when you woke up? And you put that in your journal as well.


That's like those break up, those dreams where you wake up and you're like, You cheated on me I hate you.

Megan Mary:

Which is what I call the dream hangover, where if you feel very strongly like you've experienced, it because your brain did experience it as if it happened because you're when you're asleep, your logical brain's turned off, but your emotional portion of your brain is completely turned on. The 3rd step is mirror, and that's where instead of me telling you what that symbol in your dream means, I effectively act as a mirror to you. And I ask you a series of questions that draws out what that association is for you and really what is coming to the fore from your subconscious into your waking And the last step is metaphor, and that's where we look at the whole story of the dream as a story. And as a metaphor, for something in your waking life rather than interpreting it literally.


Right. I'm not literally going back to high school. I have so many back to high school dreams.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Yes.


Right. I'm not literally wishing I could go back to high school.

Megan Mary:



Nobody wants that.




But – Right. Yes. – It's it's a metaphor.

Megan Mary:

That's right. So in in going through those steps. It really helps you learn to start figuring out your dream language, which is different for everyone. And once you can decipher that, then you can better decode your dreams on a regular basis and start tapping into it for inner guidance, confidence, creativity, all sorts of things.


So what about sleep hypnosis? How does that play into it? Because I, for years, was about all about sleep hypnosis. Right? You said, you know, like, your mood and confidence and all this stuff. I would listen to, like, sleep hypnosis for manifestation, sleep hypnosis for weight loss, sleep hypnosis for whatever, like, good, bad, neutral. How what is that? How does that help or not?

Megan Mary:

Part of one of the dream journeys that I offer is called the treasure box and it deals with lucid dreaming and dream manifestation. So there is a lot of power in intention. And so when you're going to bed, and you're you're looking to solve a problem or you're looking to come up with a new solution or you're just looking for creative ideas that can be of a way you can use dream manifestation to actually utilize the the treasure box metaphorically that your subconscious is. And so when you're listening to sleep hypnosis, I would imagine that those suggestions are providing that same invitation to your subconscious as if you were to journal it before you were to go to sleep.


So Love the sleep hypnosis. Keep doing that. Perfect. Okay. As someone who, So, like, with Kiera, right, doesn't remember her dreams very often. Is there a way to, like, you said dream recall? Is there For anybody listening, all the hot girls walking right now, who are gonna go home and try to remember their dreams and analyze the meeting. Internal. Is there like, a single tip or, like, a series of things that we can do if I wanna start, like, really working on my dream recall immediately.

Megan Mary:

Mhmm. So there's a number of things. One of the things is when you wake up first thing in the morning, don't just immediately get up and go about your day. Lie there for a minute with your eyes closed and think. I call it thinking backwards. Just think for a minute. What was I just doing, or what was I just talking to somebody about, or what where was I just? And it's kind of like when you walk into a room and you go, why did I come in here? And then you start -- to think backwards. You start to go, yeah, this happened. That happened. He, this person said that, and then I was, oh, that's right. It's just like that. but you start to train yourself to do it about your dream. – Right. – And at first, you, you know, nothing it seemed like nothing's there, but the more you focus, focus, focus, then you go, oh, yeah. That's right. It was this. And then as soon as you get that one hit, then, oh, yeah. Before that, it was this. And before that, it was this. And so many times I'll write the first thing I remember at the bottom of the page or if I'm entering it on my phone at the…


-- Oh, and…

Megan Mary:

Then you'll start to remember it backwards and you you record it backwards so that at the end, you have a linear memory going down the page. The other, tip is what they call reality checking, and this is really good for loose it's a lucid dreaming technique, but it works well for being just increasing your awareness of when you're waking. And so during your waking day, you can look around every once in a while and say, am I dreaming right now? and just kind of check your reality. Check your awareness. – Pinch myself. – The more you do that, The more you will start to become aware and open to the fact that you're actually dreaming. So there's a lot of and meditation is really great too because it lowers our brain wave from the beta state, the we're all walking around in a normal 3D existence to theta, which is actually where your dreams occur. Yeah. So the brainwaves state, yeah, of meditation and dreams is is very similar. And when you're lying there in bed and you're trying to remember your dreams, you're actually kind of have one foot in beta and one foot in theta. You're kind of, you know, straddling the 2 worlds. And so it's really a matter of intention, and practice, and motivation to want to access that other side.


So why what is the motivation? Like, why would we want to? This seems like I mean, I'm I'm not afraid of hard work but -- Yes – Why why do I care?

Megan Mary:

It's like an unopened letter, which is a an ancient saying. And it's really because, you know, so many people are seeking answers. They're wondering the big existential questions. Why am I here? What is what is my purpose here? Why is this happening in my life? What else should I be doing? All the things all the reasons people go to self help. And I really call dream work, the women's ultimate self care because I really feel like it's the way we can tune in to what's really going on and get our inner guidance versus looking outside of ourselves. You know, you you need these tools to you need the right tools and the right modalities in techniques to access that. But once you figure that out, then you are so empowered on your own to really integrate that into your life. And when you integrate your subconscious with your conscious, you lead yourself down the path of a more whole whole exist sense. It's a much more holistic understanding of yourself. can also improve your compassion overall, but in the when there's things that you're wanting to achieve in your life whether you're looking for a creative solution for a work project you're doing or you're trying to figure out how to rearrange your living room or you're wondering where you should go on your next vacation. All of those things, as well as, I wonder, you know, what happened to me when I was a child me the way I am today. What behavior patterns – Why am I like this? – are constantly surfacing over and over? There's so many answers right inside us. It's just that 5% of our brain is awake and the 95 other 95% is subconscious. So it's it's really interesting. Yeah. 


Is that really true? They. Wow. “They” the the grand scientific they say –

Megan Mary:



Oh, we only access 5% of our capacity, but it that's not what it is. It's your awake part.

Megan Mary:

No. It's just that. Yes. The the a part of your brain that's active when you're awake versus the party that your brain that's active when you're asleep and just how we store so much in our subconscious. But which directly influences all of our decisions and behavior and everything in our waking life without us realizing it.


That feels like a flawed system. I'm just gonna say. Like, I know everything but I can't access it, but it's gonna influence me, but I don't know what I mean.

Megan Mary:

There's the benefit. There's the reason to do it.


There's the reason because I feel like I'm on a disadvantage here.

Megan Mary:

Yeah. You I think so.


Also, I'm a I'm a multitasker. And if I can if I can learn and figure shit out while I'm asleep, better.


Better exactly. 

Megan Mary:

And, you know, there's a dream, dream researcher called and she calls it the 24 hour mind. And that's pretty much what that means is that your brain is working all the time, but you're just not taking advantage of all that time. that you're sleeping.


It's because most of us don't know how to. Right.


Yeah. So what's the correlation between, like, sleep hygiene and dreams? Because I know people who get terrible quality sleep. Is there a but I sleep like like a child. I fall asleep. I am asleep. I don't wake up. And I remember my dreams really well. Is there a correlation between, like, poor sleeping, poor quality of sleep and dream, intensity, activation, success. Any of those things.

Megan Mary:

Yes. Because your REM goes in stages. And so you have, at the towards the beginning of the night, you'll have the dreams that will be, I don't wanna say mundane, but they have not as much vividness and they really have to do with things of in your everyday and As the night goes on, you have the longer and the more vivid dreams because of the stages of sleep that your mind goes through. And so if you can be asleep longer, you're obviously gonna be able to attain that state. It doesn't mean that you won't have dreams if you have poor sleep because I have poor sleep and I have dreams. But Right.


Okay. Well, that answers my next question. Yeah. I wake up a lot throughout the night, so I thought is that is that why I don't remember as much? But –

Megan Mary:

No. You that actually can help you remember. so I, I do as well. And there is a technique actually that's taught for lucid dreaming that has to do with, it's called the wake back to sleep method, basically. And it's where you purposely wake yourself up in the middle of the night so that when you go back to sleep, that that is an an easier way to induce lucid dreaming. So I find that when I wake up in the middle of the night, I instantly remember what that dream is. And then I'll lie there thinking about it and start analyzing it, and then I can't get back to sleep.


That's the thing. I have found when I've woken up, like, the nights that I do remember a lot of them, it's like when I go back to sleep, it's not like starts over a different dream. It almost, like, goes back into where it was, but it it then it twists. Then it twists in this weird way that goes in a, like, in my mind seems to go in a completely different direction. And then I wake up going what was that. That was weird. But it doesn't happen very often. It's probably maybe two times a month if that, that I remember my dreams.

Megan Mary:

Well and that's not that's okay because you don't want to exhaust yourself when… You know, when I first started getting really into this, I was having 5, 6 streams a night and you just -- 


Holy shit. 

Megan Mary:

It's so bad. It's too much remember. I mean, that is how many you have, but I was remembering them all. And it's too many. It's too much. You're not gonna get to sleep. You're overanalyzing. You know, So once a week even is a great advantage. And so if you're only having it a couple times a month, that's fine. You know, you're still gonna get some insight.


Okay. Where you can't have 5 prophetic dreams every single night. That’s too much.


I can see how that would be exhausting.


Yes. Yeah. And you're not on drugs. Like, You know?

Megan Mary:

No. It just takes all that time too to analyze it afterwards. It's it's a lot. It's a lot to reflect on.


Fascinating. Well, now I need to go take a nap. I'll let you know how it goes.


Yes. I wanted to ask quick question, though, because a lot of the dreams that I do remember, I would say probably about 60% of them are nightmares. – Mhmm. – And how do you overcome? How can we overcome nightmares?


I need to open myself out of them. I'm just like, nope. wanna be here. That's that lucid waking myself up thing.


I find myself where I'm try I feel like I'm trying to get out. It's like those dreams where, like, can't. You're running, but you're not running. It's just mhmm. It's like, you can't get out of it, and I'm trying. And, like, I'm even in my mind telling myself, like, this is a dream wake up, And I can't seem to pull myself out of it. I I eventually do, but I'm in that moment of panic for so long, which is probably very short amount of time, but in my dreams, it seems so long. How do we…?

Megan Mary:

There's 2 different techniques. Obviously, the most powerful one is the loo is lucid dreaming. because then you are able to actually realize your dreaming and change the scenario. And that can really be a super powerful tool. But if you don't, you're not able to attain the state of lucidity or maintain it. Another technique is just daytime waking dream visualization. where you spend some quiet time reentering that dream as a visualization and then imagine an alternative ending for it. And that can really help, especially with recurring dreams as well. And the reason we remember nightmares more than the other dreams is because you're so emotionally charged and charged. And our emotions are a really big indicator of what the meaning is behind the dream as well. So by doing the dream work and in a finding out what that message is in that dream, you can actually integrate that and take action on it. And then that can transform that dream for you.


Okay. I've had 2 of the same dreams since I was five years old, and I still have them. I don't have them as often, but I still have them. It's something yeah. It's crazy. It's something I think that I need to decode and their dreams that even right now, thinking about and make me emotional. Woo.


Oh, yes. Yes. For Kira and anyone else who has that same problem, you can call Mary. You can reach out on her website, women's dream analysis dot com. There are sessions. There are courses. You can do a 1-on-1. All sorts of ways. Yep. Now I gotta figure out one. I'm gonna do mine. Like, nobody definitely needs people. – mine are so wild. I feel like my poor boyfriend, he's just like, why your brain. How is this growing? Mhmm. But to be able to, like, sit down if you do have recurring nightmares, if you've got some stress if there's things. Sounds like that you've got opportunity for not only healing, but also growth to be able to bring people through that with their dreams. So I love it. I love it. So much good. That's like one of those niche things. I'm like, damn. I could go down to rabbit hole and just get lost in this, and then I would never come out. And I would not have a job anymore because I would just spend all day thinking about dreams.


Or you can make it a career. We or you can make it a mess. 


Perfect. Well, Megan, thank you so much for joining us. This has been illuminating for sure. I got so much to think about. But this podcast episode like all post at uh-uh. Uh-uh. You heard me. podcast episodes sponsored by Lunar Herbals, Try the elixir of rest to get yourself into that dreaming energy and moods. Have a great day, and we'll see you real soon. Bye. 




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