Master Your Bliss Life

Ep.74- Go Against Expectations

Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss Episode 74

This episode coincides with Lia and Kiera's one-year anniversary in creating this podcast. They commemorate by recapping the past year and catching us up on their lives. Listen in as they recount Lia's nerve-wracking encounter with her boyfriend's parents and the rollercoaster of emotions that ensued. From awkward dress codes to potential relationship secrets, this story will have you contemplating the importance of authenticity. So grab a glass of Prosecco in celebration as Lia and Kiera share this entertaining and relatable tale of navigating love, life, and meeting the parents. Let's dive in and master our bliss lives together.

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Hosts: Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss

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Lia Bliss on LinkedIn and Instagram

Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss

Podcast Manager: Kimberly Smith

You’re listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Join Kiera Masters and Lia Bliss as they dive into the magical, mysterious, and mundane elements of life, helping you to master your purpose and find your bliss.


Here we go. Storytime. Excellent. We're back. Holy shit. Let me tell you this story. So As we all know, if you've been following the saga of my dating life, We start out. Also, guess what today is? What's today? The 1 year anniversary of our podcast.


It is. It is. And what? That's so crazy how that worked out then because this is the person I've been on in a minute. I know.


So -- -- been


goes in crazy. Time's been rough.


I know. School and life and kids and boyfriends. Alright. We started this whole thing September 2022. Wild.


I don't. Oh, gosh. It doesn't even feel like it's been a year already, but


-- I know that. It has. Somebody I was at I interviewed a woman the other day podcast. She was like, oh, how long have you been doing this? And I was like, oh, I think this is, like, our 75th episode or something. And she was like, no. How long have you been doing it? And I was like, I don't know. So I went and looked and it said September 2022. I was like, oh, damn. I don't even like, where has the time gone?


No. Where has it That's


crazy. So happy when you're anniversary.


think we need some Persecco right now.


Some Persecco. I'm drinking a protein coffee because I decided I'm back on that competition wagon. Oh, yes. The goal is to get on stage and win a fitness competition in 2025. That gives me plenty of time to Get it together. Also, because the last time I did this was 7 years ago, and this body ate the same body 7 years ago. I'm a -- 


Maybe I'll do it with you.


– Things are not the same. Do it. Do it. My coach is taking more people, so we could do it together. We could do it together. So, let me tell you this story. k. So I don't even know where to start with this. So, Scott's boyfriend, Scott's my boyfriend. Scott's Scott's boyfriend. No. He doesn't have a boyfriend. my boyfriend, his birthday. I'm like, okay. Just due to, like, scheduling and, like, custody stuff and a bunch of things, I wasn't gonna see him the week of his birthday, but we had, like, done stuff beforehand. We had stuff planned afterwards. Also, his parents were in town. So 10 years ago, when we first met, we found out that our parents live, like, obscenely close to each other in California. seriously. Seriously? So close. It's almost like, have we not met before?




Yeah. Eerie. Eerily close. So we it's his birthday and his parents are in town visiting him to, like, take him to lunch or whatever. They're and they were there for, like, 5 days. So I was like, it's fine. I don't need to, like, interrupt that. Like, I don't need to meet your parents. It's totally totally fine. Yeah. So then the day of I, like, had an appointment cancel or a meeting got done early. and he got done with work early and basically reached out and was like, hey. Do you wanna actually come like, we're gonna be having dinner together. Do you wanna come dinners at 6? And I was like, okay. Sounds good. I was like, and and we talked about it, like, and that was pretty much it. It was just like, hey. Do you wanna come have dinner with me and my parents for my birthday? sure. Okay. Great. He's like, dress casual. I was like, okay. Of course, I did not. You don't dress casual for shit like that.


Just go here. Little pajama set you got on.


In my little pajamas in my little work from home pajama set. Listen. This is the greatest thing I have purchased. I have, like, 5 of them. So you all can shut up because I look cute and comfy Hey. It's it beats what


I'm wearing right now, which is a men's t shirt that I wear to bed. So we're fine. It's cool.


Actual pajamas, Kira. So I'm driving there. So it's 2 hours away to this restaurant with traffic because it was right at rush hour. So it's, like, 2 hours. And I'm just, like, try not to panic. Try not to be, like, overthinking it. Whatever. Like, we we have a significant amount of history. and neither of us are really actually sure how much of that history his parents are aware Or like, I don't know what's gonna happen. Is it good? Is it bad? What is it? I'm like, I don't know. Then I'm 15 minutes away. He texts me this. They have 0 preparation for who will be joining us for dinner. be ready for anything. – Oh, shit. – Oh, shit. He sent me a kissy face to try to make up for it.


Like, that's not gonna work, buddy.


He said, address it as you wish, and I'll play my part, honestly. I'm like, what? What? Okay. So in my mind and then so I bought him like, we got we ended up getting, CubanLink gold necklaces, so I ended up getting one for his birthday. And he's like, I already told them that the necklace you got me was actually a gift from myself. – Why? – That's and so I was like so in my mind, in my stressed out mind, I was like, Holy shit. He doesn't want them to know that we're dating. He wants me to lie and act like we're just friends. And so I texted him back and was like, so what? We're just homies? Like, what in the actual --


I don't know. I don't even know what to say right now, kid. 


Right? I was pissed. In my mind, I'm like, oh, don't worry. You we don't have to lie about it because you don't be single single. Because the last because I am I think every single woman should be this way. This is Church of Leah speaking. I think that if your man is ashamed of you -- Yeah. -- or embarrassed by you, if he is not holding you up as the empress of his life is, like, this is the goddess that I am with. I am the luckiest man alive, and he doesn’t – then he doesn’t deserve you – have the chops. get out. He doesn't away. Yep. Run away. So I'm like, oh, shit. I'm about to run away because, uh-uh, this is gonna happen to me.


Did you contemplate canceling plans? Being like




I don't want dinner yet. I might not come.


I was in the parking lot. moshit. Oh, shit.


I wouldn't turn around.


And then I see them walk in. He's in he's basically in a suit.


And I'm like And he said keep it casual?




Oh my arm.


Livid. Livid. beyond I'm just I'm and I'm just like


And how do you walk into a situation like that? So pissed off and you're meeting your boyfriend's parents


Yeah. But not my boyfriend. I'm just some random girl. Uh-huh. No. So I walk in. Ugh. We say hi. Right? And I I was just like, I'm gonna be so authentic that and if, like, whatever happens happens, like, the and and it's kind of you have to come back to this idea in in a situation like that where, like, the stress is how you don't know what's gonna happen, what Right? You just I was like, I'm going to be the most authentic version of myself. I'm going to be a I am going to be truthful and sincere and earnest. And if that is well received, great. If not, at least it's the me that I have been proud to choose over and over again. So you're gonna make huck. I'm like, hi, honey. How are you? I'm like, hello. Nice to meet you, mom and dad. Lovely. Beautiful. Amazing. And then there's an awkward pause because they don't know what's going on either. and his mom just looks at us and goes, so how do you guys know each other? And he I shit you not. He, like, stamps his foot, and it's like, mom, can we totally sit down at least. And because I'm so cool, I was like, oh, Scott and I've been friends for about 10 years, actually. Honest? – Uh-huh. – Truthful. All the things. So we sat down. We get talking blah blah blah. Something, and then they told the story about how they met. which was, like, a long and, like, very cute story. His dad accidentally proposed to his mom. He meant to say, I really want to propose to you, but I'm just not ready. Will you be patient? But what he said was, I really wanna propose to you long pause, and she went, yes. This is the greatest thing I've ever heard.


All you men listening out there.


Yeah. Take --


You're not ready. Don't pause.


Don't pause.


Don't even say anything.


It was so it was such a good story. And I said something to, like, oh, you guys know how we met. And his dad said, oh, we're very aware of who you are. And I was like, what does that mean?


You could take that could go.


That could go so many ways.


So many ways. Yeah.


But then I but then later, I realized that they actually didn't know how we met. And so I got to tell that story, which is hilarious. And one of my favorite to tell. So that was cute and charming. And then we went and played we went back to his house and, like, played board games and hung out. And it so it was very fun. They caught on very quickly. His mom is like, freaking with it. She's like, I'm not. She was like, oh. Oh, I see. like, within I but I also like body language and chemistry and, like, we we look like we together. – Mhmm. – Because we are. Uh-huh. dumb dumb dumb. Oh, he he was like, this is the birthday gift I'm giving myself this year. This just absolute Tom Foolery, this series of uncomfortable situations that I can place the people I care the most about in. So – pretty good at that. – When I so I thought that he meant, like, pretend we're not together, what he really meant was I wanna see how you explain our relationship. Okay. So he got un in trouble because he looked like, I walked in and gave him a hug and he looked at me and he's like, how how much trouble am I in? And I was like, all the trouble. You gonna die. It's over.


You're lucky I'm still here.


You're still locked in the door. Yeah. So that was. So that was the story. That's how it went. But, so that's the update on the Leah's love life. It's been good. ridiculousness. I mean, as my father puts it, he's like, you guys are moving through, like, the natural stages of progress for a relationship. I'm like, That's that sounds weird. I don't like… 


Yeah. That doesn't sound like I don't know.


I guess That's that's taken all the romance out of it. Thanks, dad.




Gross. So after 1 year, I went from having 500 boyfriends to 1 boyfriend. Who’d a thunk.


Who’d a thunk.


Not I. That's for sure.


Not… I mean, I knew it was gonna come to you eventually. You weren't gonna stay in that. you're good of your life for ever, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.


I was ready to, like, right? Because just before we started dating, I was like, I am gonna move to San Diego. I'm going to I'm going to live in a shack on the beach. I -- I didn't want me to move with her. Trying to get you to move with me. I was like, I'm not gonna like, I don't wanna pursue relationships any longer. I don't wanna work hard. Like, I just wanna go and do my hot girl walk on the beach. Yep. Do I wanna have to work at these relationships anymore? And then inevitably some stupid hot dude shows up. He's like, do you wanna stick around so that I can make sweet sweet love to you? I'm like, yes. if you insist. So that's life. That's so that's what's happened in the year. What hap- where were you a year ago, Kira.


Oh, goodness. Where was I year ago? living in my own cute little place. You're trying to use a video.


-- Were you were you in were you in their house? Were you in that little apartment? Yeah.


I was in the basement apartment, just me and Alaric and stage, my dog, and I'm working with you and see where my relationship was going. Actually, let's see. It's been a year and a month, just about a month that making it go back together after we broke up. – Oh, yes. – It was where we were deciding if we were gonna keep it going. Or


-- It was the moment of truthfulness. – Yep. – the moment of decisions. Oh, yeah. A year ago. Yep. And that you went fast. Yeah.


It went way fast. I know.


That's so they always say don't under don't overestimate what you can do in a year. Like, don't treat it. 


A lot has changed in a year.


don't, yeah, but don't try to, like, don't think that you're gonna, like, make all of your world's dreams come true in a year


and year, but also a lot can have and


-- Yes. But don't underestimate what you can do in 3 years. Mhmm. Yeah. because it's – 


From a year ago, I went from I've I'm I'm going to school now. I'm no longer in the in the field that I was in. I'm going to school. I moved from that cute little basement apartment into a nice large house in an area that I thought I wouldn't have.


With 2 more children.


With 2 more children in an area that I thought I'd never live in.


yeah. From a single mom of 1, to a cohabiting family of -- Of there's 5 children. 3 dogs. There's 3 kids and 3 dogs and 2 grown ups. Yeah. That sounds like too many. I got 6 boys. I got 6 between the two dogs and the 2 cats and the 2 humans that’s 6 boys. I'm like, that's too many. That's too many people to take care of. 


We have we have we have a good balance. We've got, what, four girls and 3. No. Wait. math. 2 boys and 5 girls.


Woo hoo. The dogs and including the dogs and the kids. Yeah. Oh, that's and the adult humans. Good thing, Alark's there to help him make out because -- Yeah. -- be overrun by all the girls.


He can be overrun. He is overrun.


I mean, My poor dad had 5 girls. No boys. 0 boys. No. 


At least at least Mike has one one boy. 


One little boy to be.


One child and one dog that are males. And it's


I don't know how much longer, but Yeah. Kicking them kids out. Yeah. No. It's the pup.


I don't know how much longer he's gonna be here. It's sad.


Oh, yeah. Puppies. I saw this thing the other day that was like, dogs from 1 from 0 to 4 months, adorable puppy babies of cuteness and snuggles, dogs from 24 months on gorgeous, majestic, lovable, just everything you want out of a dog. Dogs between 4 and 24 months. Velociraptor.


Like, yeah. I can attest to that.


The pit bull right now. not the pitbull. The rottweiler. The rottweiler that we have is a freaking Velocer after. I have to get a new pair of shoes out of it because he chewed up my nikes.


That was Sage too. When she was 4 to 24 to 24 months? Oh, yeah. She was a terror. The worst. She went to doggy trainings.


Yes. I remember that. I remember when I looked at that.


because I was like, I can't do this anymore.


And did it work? Yeah. I did remember when you did that. Mhmm.


Yeah. She was carrying shit up and running her muck and Getting everything. And, I mean, she was jumping onto chairs and getting out in the kitchen counter and getting into things and knocking things down and doing Yeah. And then after Doggie training school, she's does, like, she doesn't chew anything. She that's great. She hasn't chewed anything since. mean, I even had a hard time getting her to chew her toys. I'm like


-- That's so funny.


So -- I don't know. -- 


Keith's favorite thing right now, the Rottweiler, is to go into the bathroom. and still shit out of the bathtub. So, like, all of a sudden, like, my razor is in the backyard, chewed to shit. I'm like, dude. How are how is his face not chewed up? I'm like, that's really terrifying. The last thing I'm gonna do is chew on a razor.




Or, like, my shaving lotion or my I use, like, exfoliator gloves in the shower. Those got chewed.


Oh, man. Yeah. I use those too.


Those are my favorite thing. But -- --


the best. Yeah.


But that, yes, it's been he went through 2 of Scott's phones. Scott replaced his phone twice in 2 months. Oh, I -- Could you imagine? like, my screen is still chewed. but it's just my screen cover. And I'm like, I don't even care at that point, but he did chew up my tennis shoes. And I'm like, well, I need to go to the gym.


So I need some new ones.


You need to buy me some new shoes. So he did. And then we ended up blending so much money on shoes. Marshall got new shoes. He was just in here showing Kiera. Yep. He's got new shoes. He's like, mom, I really wanna pair jordans. Mom, I really wanna pair jordans. I'm like, I knew this day would come.




I knew this day would come when because I did wanna have a sneaker head kid. I'm totally fine with it. Mhmm. But I'm like, I had to explain to him, about cost over wear. Where is it?


Because when you're used to buying them shoes at Walmart.


Yeah. But it's her day. Okay. $200 pair of drawers. Great. I'll buy those for you. But let's take a look at how many times you're gonna wear them versus the cost. Mhmm. This is how I look at all my clothes. Right? So it's 200 bucks. You can wear them for the whole school year. Let's say you wear them every day for the whole school year, which you won't because snow days. Mhmm. But, okay, $200 over 200 days. Let's just say that's a hon that's a dollar a day. But you're gonna grow out of them after that. Mhmm. They're gonna last 1 year, a dollar a day. and probably not even then. Then I was like, but what about when you're older? I said, what about when you stop growing when you're in a size like 15 or whatever the frick is gonna be. Mhmm. So he already almost fits into my shoes. Shut up. He probably wears the same size as you. He wears a kid size 5.


Yep. I wear five and a half.


Oh, yeah. So he wears the same size shoes as you. Get ready for that. I'm like, when you stop growing, I will buy you all the jordans because then you can have them forever.


Yep. I can't tell you how long I've had majority of the shoes in my closet. A minimum for, from a minimum to, of, like, 2 years to, like, 13. 


You hold on to things much longer than I do. I will. We know that.


They're some of my favorite pairs, but I have gotten rid of quite a few. I used to have quite a shoe collection. It was it was way too much. And I still do. I need that I still need to get rid of some. We're actually gonna purge here soon and go through everything.


I love that. 


All the stuff that we just don't need. 


That's my favorite activity. 


Me too.I really I'm really looking forward to it. I'm actually starting it today.


That's so nice. I'm I've done the opposite. I actually completely, re punished my wardrobe. I had to bought myself a whole new wardrobe. because I found this crazy sale. And so I got, like, 15 shirts. I got these these sets. Okay. This is obviously way too big. So to tell if something's the right size, the, seam from the -- on your shoulder. Yeah. Of the sleeve needs to be on the tip of your shoulder. This is, like, 2 inches too big on both sides, if not more, 3 inches. this is so I've been on but I've been buying these, like, oversized knit waffle work from home outfits. Right? They're like pajamas, but I can also go to the store. Yeah. They're not like cookie monster pajama pants. Remember those days? – Yeah. – Ugh. Awful. But I got, like, 5 of these, of 5 sets plus, like, 10 shirts for a $100. Oh. it's like maybe a 120, but still. A $100.


Because -- -- just 5 sets of those. Yeah. The 120 is


-- Right. Well, I put


a lot of shirts.


There's a couple of, I've, like, found some of those, like, hack secret shopper Amazon accounts that I follow now. And so every day, I just go look every single day. And it's like, you have to buy it within, like, 12 hours or the coupon codes go away, but it's, like, 50% off almost every single time. Awesome. And so I'm like, oh, yes. Yes. But I ended up getting And and there was one that was like, okay. It's like a tank top with, like, a a v neck, but it's like a criss cross on the front. Mhmm. and it's kinda a little sheer, but a little not. It's the perfect wear under a blazer. And so I got it in 5 colors.


Yeah. Of course. You did.


Of course I did. Because I'm just like, oh, I really need to level up my wardrobe. I feel like over this past summer. I've really, like just been in vacation mode. Yeah. where I haven't really, like, stepped up. I haven't really seen friends. I haven't, like --


I can attest to that.


I’ve been in super hibernation isolation vacation mode where I'm like, barely I'm like, working enough to get work done, but, like, I'm not really working. I'm doing enough, but on the other hand, you wife, -e, wifey. Wifey. Wifey duties, mom duties, school full time, and working. Let's talk about emotional labor. 


Yeah. Tell me about it. 


Woof. You've been busy. I've been sitting I've just been laying around doing nothing.


I haven't even had a lot of time to go to the gym, and I know people may like, ain't enough time for what you make time for? Yes. But.


-- Yes. but it's so hard.


That it's hard. It's exhausting. It's like the only time I'm gonna be able to do it is In the morning, if I wake up at, like, 4:30.




But I'm also not going to bed until, like, by the time get a lark into bed. And then I get into bed, it's, like, 10:30. By the time I fall asleep, it's about 11:30. And then to wake up at 4:30 is, like, okay.


That's --


I also need my rest.


I prioritize sleep. I prioritize sleep. Yes. I agree. I agree. Well, In the 1 year, we've learned so many things. We've done so many things. We've made so many changes. Yes.


Yes we have. We'll, We'll check-in the next year. -- over here. 


Let's keep this let's keep this train rolling.


Are you there?


K. Here has been another completely pointless podcast episode, and I love you all so much.


It's just the one year catch-up. That's all.


One year catch-up, K I love you bye. 




You have been listening to Master Your Bliss Life. Make sure to check out the show notes for any relevant links and follow Kiera and Lia on Instagram and LinkedIn.