Master Your Bliss Life
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Master Your Bliss Life
Ep.78- Design Your Mind Palace
In this episode, Lia and her guest Kimberly recount a recent shamanic journey of Lia’s. She shares her immersive experience traveling through her mind palace and manifesting intentions, while Kimberly expresses intrigue and a newfound interest in meditation. The conversation touches on balancing masculine and feminine energies, the benefits of group meditation dynamics, and incorporating mindfulness into daily life. Join the girls in personal growth and self-discovery in this mind-expanding episode.
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Host: Lia Bliss on LinkedIn and Instagram
Guest: Kimberly Smith on LinkedIn
Find Lia’s book here: Everything Is Your Fault by Lia Bliss
Podcast Manager: Kimberly Smith
All the brainpower. Hello, my beautiful hot girls and boys and couples and old people. All the hot people walking. We're here with Kimberly. Kimberly has the unique pleasure of having to listen to me slowly lose my mind every day at work.
Love it.
Love it. We were just going over scheduling for work, and, like, oh, here's our tasks, and here's our projects, and here's how we're managing the pipeline, and here's how we're working with clients. And, if anyone Motion, if MotionAI wants to sponsor this episode, that'd be super great. They do not, but they could. I am now completely obsessed with this scheduling tool. It's so great because it, you can just type in the tasks that you wanna get done and then what kind of time of day or, like, what this, you know, kind of schedule that you're looking at, whether it's during work hours or personal hours or morning or afternoon or whatever. And then it automatically finds time in your day around your meetings to schedule it for you. I just look at it all day long.
It does all the heavy lifting for you.
It's Truly brilliant.
Except the actually getting this stuff done, but figuring out when to do it, it does it for you.
Yeah. It's so great. Alright. Love it so much. So we got to lose my mind doing that. But more importantly, and what we wanna talk about today, is something that I didn't realize that I loved so much. Have you ever done that? Have you ever, like, had a thing that you're like, that's just a thing I do, and then someone else is like, that's actually kind of a big deal, and then you're like, oh, I'm a big deal.
I'm a big deal? No. No. I’ve never thought that.
I'm I'm kind of a big deal. So, for all my girlies who watched girlies, boyzies, the theys, the gays who watched Sherlock Holmes with Benedict Cumberbatch. One of the most impactful parts for me was When Moriarty, ok the bad guy, there there was this whole, plot spoilers. I mean, this TV show came out, like, 10 years ago, but Spoilers. The bad guy, like, has all this blackmail on all these important people, and he's, like, keeping it in this special place. And then the conclusion, it comes to find out that he never had any actual physical evidence, but he stored it all in something called a mind palace. And the mind palace is the most phenomenal thing in the entire world. Everyone should have one. I'm gonna give you an absolute rundown on how to do it. So, Kimberly, when was the last time you meditated?
I’m taking notes. Oh my goodness. It's actually been probably at least a few months, maybe a year.
Yeah. It's hard. I would say meditation is the thing that I most easily don't wanna do. I'm like, I'll journal. I'll read. I will go do yoga. I go to the gym every morning, but meditation, I'm like, But I'm in the flow. Like, I'm doing stuff. I'm busy. So, and I dated a guy for a hot second who hated meditation. He did, like a, it was, like, 75 hard, but, like, different. And one of the things he had to do every day was meditate. And he said that he hated it, absolutely hated it. And the traditional meditation is this idea that you, like, think about nothing. Right? You focus on –
Clear your mind.
Clear your mind. Reach zen. Think about nothing. And, One, that's really, really, really hard. And 2, it's really, really boring. Granted, it's so good for you. If you can get to the point where you can just focus on your breathing, the sensation of the air moving in and out of your nose, the sensation of your chest rising and falling, and can sit in that mindfulness, so so so great. But mind palace work is also something that's been akin to shamanic journeying.
So not a shaman. I would never claim that role because I'm a, you know, a white lady, not a shaman. But shamanic journeying, you can do. Anyone can do it. Anyone can do it, and this is how you practice. I just started a 6-week shamanic journeying course to get better at it, And then I realized after the first one, like, oh, I've been doing this shit for years, And I'm really good at it, and it's, like, really impactful. So shamanic journeying. What it is is you basically take yourself on a journey inside of your mind to a place that you visit regularly.
So when I started this in 2020 during the pandemic, I would take the same path through my mind to a specific place to either plant seeds of intention or ask questions of, like, spirit guides, or get in touch with the higher version of myself, whatever. But what's super, super impactful is the repetition of it. So this is what you do. Every day for 10 days, you take yourself down a path. The first part of your path needs to be a backwards countdown from 10. So for me, I do 10 steps down. I go 10-9-8-7-6. I always pause at 6, And I make sure to, in my mind, visualize the staircase and visualize the sensation of my foot on the step.
So you're really, like, ground into your body with this. Then 5-4-3-2-1. And so you're down the stairs. You can walk upstairs. You can walk downstairs. You can take 10 steps. You can hop over 10 lily pads. You can literally Whatever. Whatever makes you happy, you can do. 10 hopscotch jumps. That'd be fun. So you do 10 of those. Then you do another task on a count of 3. So I go down an elevator 3 floors. The beginning of this started with there's a woman, I'll have to find her Instagram who does these she does, like, a week of guided meditations as a group, and they're super, super impactful. So that's I can't take credit for, like, the stairs and then the elevator because that was given to me as a concept. I'll have to I can't remember her name on the top of my head.
I'll have to go find it. But then you come out into a place of opportunity, generally a hallway. So right down 10 steps into the elevator, down 3 floors, out the elevator, in a hallway. Multiple doors in this hallway. When I started, I only ever went through 1 door. And for the last 4 years, I've only gone through 1 door, the 2nd door on the right. Now this isn't gonna be a hallway full of a dozen doors. Doors may appear as you need them, but for this, it was a single door. The 2nd door on the right. So I go down to 2nd door on the right, and I go into a room. Right? So now you've gone down from 10, down from 3, and then into a new space, and it, this should be a room. And if you wanna think of it as a meditation space, Okay. This is my meditative room, and it can be whatever you want. This is where you don't have to force the imagination. If you've done it intentionally enough, you'll be able to, that place will kind of present itself to you. And your only job is to be aware of what's there. Take note.
Take note of what is around you. You walk into the room, and you see a chair where a wise being sits. And that's the only instruction I'll give you, a wise being. This can be a person or an entity or whatever. They can be old. They can be young. They can be made of light. They can be made of snakes. It doesn't matter. And then they give you a piece of wisdom. And that wisdom doesn't have to be a knowing or, like, a, like, a quote that comes into your mind, it can, at best, at least, be just the sense of warm light filling your body. Warm light fills your body. You're standing there in front of this entity, warm light fills your body. Peace, hope, safety. You then move through this room out, another door. So you move through the room not back the way you came, but next, through the next door. Then you find yourself outside. It can be any kind of outside that you want. And from here, there are a billion different things that could happen. You could If you're looking to manifest more prosperity in your life, you can build a prosperity garden. My garden looks like very Beauty and the Beast style. It's got, like, big hedges with roses and all sorts of fun stuff. That's where I go and plant the seeds of intention.
So I will literally go like, walk down the path in through the hedges, into the garden, in my mind, dig up the soil, take out a seed, transfer all of the glowing energy into it, know exactly what that seed of intention stands for, put it in the ground, and plant it. The next day when I come back, I'll water it because I'll remember exactly where I put it. Go down the stairs, down the elevator, into the hallway, into the room, talk to the person, go through the next door, walk down the path, go through the hedges, come to the spot where I planted the seed and water it. And simple actions like this really make a big impact on your exterior life, where I did that for 10 days straight. I just watered that seed of intention and manifested my dream job. I mean, is Travis Kelce doing that with Taylor Swift right now? Because it's working. Obsessed. Seriously obsessed because we all are. Because it's just such a cute relationship. Anyway. So totally works. What happened to me yesterday was wild. So since Early 2020, right, March, April 2020, I have been going into that 2nd door on the right. Alright. I come out of the elevator. I turn to my right. Down this long hallway, there's 1 door on my right, and then next to it is another door. I always go through the 2nd door. Never One time have I gone into that 1st door. And so I'm in this shamanic journey, and it's I'm actually in a group. So there's a bunch of us doing it. There is a woman with a drum to kinda help ground you in. There's a woman with a rattle to help keep kind of external noise out. Kind of this external chaos helps calm the inside.
All of that sound, by the time I'm deep in it, gone. Can't hear a thing. Can't hear a thing because you're so deep into your mind palace. And it was very much, so the goal, so something I've been working on is I've been thinking a lot over the past couple of months about the integration of the masculine and feminine. Right? How do we strengthen our feminine qualities while also maintaining our masculine qualities? Right? Provide, protect versus nurture and love and rest and receive. So it's like nurture / receive, provide and protect. How do we integrate those into a single person while also having independence for both within ourselves. So I was like, okay. My intention going into this is to begin to actually separate my internal concept of myself masculine and feminine, so I can work on each independently as they integrate.
Yeah. That's cool.
Right? I cannot take credit for this. It came straight downloaded into my brain from somewhere else. Granted, I was sober during this whole thing. Like, there was no kind of psychedelic use, there was, I didn't even take weed. Nothing. This is totally stone-cold sober. So In my mind, as you're allowing these things to happen, you're moving through with intention, but it really became known to me that it was like, I'm gonna go through that 1st door. And I didn't realize it at the time, but in my mind, they had represented the masculine, right, provide and protect. The Spirit guide or the entity in the wisdom room for me was always a strong masculine character. Big strong man, protector, keep keep me safe. And him and I had a great relationship because I visited him a lot. Prosperity garden. Right? Provide, do the work, all these things. That first door was the feminine side, the release, the nurture, the receive, and I had never opened it. I was like, damn. No wonder. No wonder. I feel a little bit out of balance. So I go to open the door. Granted, this is all happening in my mind, and I'm control, I'm in control of, like, 10% of it. And so I opened the door, and I was shocked because I thought it would be, because it hadn't been touched for years, maybe ever in my mind. And I thought it was gonna be, like, a small room or something, but it was gonna be whatever it was gonna be, and there was no wrongness. And so I opened the door, and I'm immediately outside. And it is, like, gorgeous rolling hills with mountains in the background, a waterfall, like, beautiful.
Like, one of those paintings that you're just like, oh my gosh. I wish I could transport myself into this. Boom. I walk in and I was like, holy shit. Is this, is this, this is inside of my, this is me? Wow. Oh, and this luscious grass and all these things, and I see a picnic set up. And I was like, oh, granted, This is my mind, but it's not my imagination driving it. It's really just allowing whatever happens to be the most correct thing. And I see the picnic, and there's, like, a cheese board set out and figs and honey, and it was delicious. And there's a bottle of champagne. And I thought to myself specifically, I wonder how many glasses there are. There's 2 champagne glasses, and I was like, I wonder who's coming? And I'm asking these questions to myself. It's like lucid dreaming. I'm like, I wonder who's coming? All of a sudden, the most beautiful goddess motherly figure, gorgeous gorgeous goddess Mother woman shows up, and I'm like, oh my god. It’s you. Very separate from this, I've had many interactions with the, like, divine feminine version of myself. And so I recognized her immediately, and I was like, oh my god. Of course, this is where you live. Duh. I've seen you in other places, but this makes sense. And she was like, yeah. So then we, like, talk, and she divulges, like, the Wisdom of the universe to me. And you get to go in and, like, be whatever you want. So I can be like, Tell me about my relationship or, my boss is mean or, I'm tired, or like, people are mean to me.
I've thrown hissy fits, full-on screaming tantrum hissy fits in my mind palace before. But she just was like, you don't need to worry about that stuff. Your only goal is to Unite the people, bring people together, provide healing. Like, you know what to do. Your only goal is to serve the people. So stop, like, bitching about your sad life. And then we, like, went and swam in the waterfall, and it was so magical, and she gave me a crown. Right? This is my imagination. I get to have whatever I want. But I come so I came out of it. Right? Walk out, come back through the door, go back up the elevator, up the stairs. Boom. It's done. The whole thing took 10 minutes. I shit you not. The whole meditation was 10 minutes long, and yet time doesn't exist. Right? Time is an illusion.
So when you're doing it as a group, I have a question. So, like, how do you if you're so in your mind, how do you know to wrap it up? Or how does it wrap up in time with like, in sync with what's going on in the group or whatever?
Everybody else? So that's where the drum and the rattle come in. So while you stop listening to the drum, once, and they tell you beforehand, like, once it starts going faster. So they they keep the the beat of the drum in synchronous with a heartbeat. So it's like, boom boom, boom boom, Boom. Boom. And then when your 10 minutes is up, it's like, and you've kinda prepped your mind ahead of time like, hey. When you hear this sound? It's time to go.
And so everyone comes out at the same time. The whole thing took 10 minutes.
That's so fun. I wanna do that.
The most incredible meditation ever in the history of ever. And you just it's just like this allowing, and you just travel into your mind, and time stops existing, and it's crazy. So you can download on Spotify or find YouTube channels of drum beats that will have it timed for you. So you can do this so you're not just, like, all of a sudden falling asleep. – Yeah. – Right. All of a sudden, you're in your mind palace, and it's, like, 3 hours later. I'm like, am I awake? But wow. So then afterwards, everyone gets together and we share versions of our experience, and then we ask each other open-ended questions like, why why was it specifically figs and honey at this picnic that you remember? It's like, oh, that's a good question. And as I think on it, it's like, oh, well, that to me represents, like, prosperity. Like, right like the land of milk and honey. Right? So to me, it's like, like, we don't worry about prosperity here in this feminine space. That that just happens. It's like, oh, okay. Okay. I'm open to that. Right? And all the mysteries of the universe, it's like, Okay. You know, why was it this? Why was it that? What did this represent? A lot of the conversations that were had. And then other people’s were wildly different. Right? One Person sees aliens. 1 person sees dragons. 1 person is driving their dream car. Like, there's no limit to what this mind palace is.
But I get off so I get done with it. Like, I wrap up with the group. Everything's wonderful. And I got on the phone with my boyfriend, and I was like, babe, I'm a tell you what just happened. Because he had sent me a video, like a meme or an Instagram video, and I was like, oh, I don't wanna be influenced by anything that I see right before I go into this. So I'm not gonna watch it. I'm gonna wait till after. I get out, and I watched this video, and it was this whole thing about, like, feminine power and the difference between the masculine and feminine and why it's important to have feminine power and not as not be a masculine woman, but be a powerful feminine woman and all these things. And I was like, oh oh my god. We're so in alignment. Oh my god. So I called them, and we chatted about it, and it's just this idea that, like, women out there, and they're out there, who understand the power of truly being feminine. And we came to this conclusion that for too many people, myself included, the idea of nurturing, right? Feminine's all about being a nurturer. I inadvertently had this association in my mind of nursing. That, like, nurturing was like nursing. Right? That you're caring for infants. Right? There's, like, literally attached to your tits. They right? That and I'm like, I I don't feel nurturing. Like, I don't feel coddling or nursing to people. And we, as we chatted, it's like, no. Nurturing a skill set, nurturing confidence, nurturing independence. Right? These are all things that women can nurture in people. Right? Like a good coach, like a good, right? Like, my son's basketball coach. Right? His job is to nurture positive sportsmanlike behavior, and a skill set when it comes to basketball.
It's a nurturing role. And I was like, My mind is blown. So I'm just there are women out there who are naturally nurturing, but don't understand the power that they have. And there are women out there who are powerful, who aren't leaning on their nurturing self as much as they could to be more powerful. Thoughts? Thoughts can you haven't heard this before, so this is your –
No. I haven't.
You're coming in fresh. Tell the people what you're thinking.
Well I mean, I love the concept of I know you've talked about it before, you know, the masculine and the feminine and, you know, the yin and the yang, like, it's in all of us. It's you know, we have hurts that we tap into depending on the situation Or depending on where we're at in our life or, maybe how we were brought up, like, you know. But – Yeah. – I really like the idea of balancing or becoming aware of both parts within ourselves, within myself. Because I hadn't really thought of that before, and I love this Shamanic journey that you went on.
Yeah. This is the mind palace. It's the mind palace.
I mean, I picture like just when you were talking, I was picturing a cave, Like a cavern, a cave, you know, like through a waterfall kind of thing, and I don't know. I mean, not like I was going into a trance while you were Walking. But –
But as so when I was sitting with, like, the shamanic journey coaches, they were like, we're gonna explain to you what to do, but and as we're as it's explained to you, you might begin to visualize things. Right? You visualize what your 10 countdown is. You visualize what your 3 is. You visualize your hallway. You visualize your door. You visualize your meditation room. But then, once you actually go into it, it could be different.
I wanna try it.
It could be different. Right? And all you gotta do is get some drum beats, lay your ass down, and it gets, it's, I mean, it's hard to do at first. Right? Because you have to focus and then, like, your leg itches, and then you're like, oh, shit. Where was I? And then you feel like put yourself back in there. But My challenge would be to do it 10 days in a row, even if it's just for 10 minutes, for 10 days. Just look around. Don't don't look for anybody. Don't look for anything. Don't Try to do anything. Just go in and –
Set the stage.
Explore. We'll just figure out what's there. And you can be I remember when I did my prosperity garden, it's quite evolved in there where it's like but but I had to create all of it. So, like, Prosperity garden through the hedge, that's where I plant my seeds of prosperity. But then outside the hedge, I can walk further down the path and there's a lake and there's a big oak tree. Well, there's 2 of them with a hammock. I've had some dates in that hammock before. Straight up. My also, I have, like, the, there's, like, a separate part where there's, like, big quote unquote, my parents' house. Like, my spiritual manifestation of my Divine masculine and feminine, like, live in a house together, and they're like, my spirit parents. It's it's a whole thing. Right? I did, like, some, childhood regression stuff, and that all came in with, like, the home and things. So it's vast. You just go figure out what's in there.
So all these different ones you're talking about are more, like, guided?Oother ones that you've done? Or did it just play out?
No. It just played out. I have I have not let me think. So 1 1, I once did a 4-hour version, a 4-hour shamanic journey that was guided, and we went through the 7 directions. And I think I've talked about that in Another episode where you go to the medicine of like, you go into your heart space, and then you go, like, north, south, east, west, and then you go up and then down into the earth, like, up into the sky and down into the earth.
It does ring a bell a little bit.
And so that one was more guided, but it was over 4 hours. And so I would spend, you know, 20 minutes. Right? She'd be like, okay. Now we're gonna move over to the east. This is what it's about. And it would just be like, the east is this, And then boom. All the things would just come into my mind, and I would do whatever journey in that space. And then it, she would, like, time it appropriately, and then it was like, okay. Now we're gonna move to the north, and this is what it's about. And then I would experience all of that stuff. So, yes and no. It can be guided, but, generally, it's very lightly guided. Yes. Very, very, very, very light.
Super fun.
You can find some that are a little bit more intentionally guided, but there's a lot of coaches that can take you through it. If anyone wants, I will do one. Like, we can just get on Zoom, and you can turn on some heartbeats, and I'll walk you through a little a little mind palace walkie walk. You just tell me what you like. But, yeah, it's, it's wild. It's fun. And I did, and it's like I feel like a whole new person today. I woke up and was like, Remember all that shit I was worried about yesterday? That's embarrassing. I'm a new person. I did a check-in with my fitness coach and was like, oh, I'm embarrassed about all the entries that I've done over the past 5 days because I don't know her anymore. I don't know her.
Woke up a new person.
New person. So if that's not hard selfish monitoring. I don't know what is. So, Kimberly, anything to add?
I am now rethinking all my life choices and gonna incorporate some meditation back into my life.
Right? None of that breathing bullshit. This is, this is an adventure. Right.
Can’t get enough of those.
So many things in your subconscious. Alright, my loves. This hot girl walk is sponsored as all hot girl walks are sponsored by Lunar Herbals. I highly suggest that you take some Elixir of Rest right before you do this. If you're looking to, like, find a place of calm inside you, the Elixir of Love. Amazing. If you've got heartache on the mind or if you want to manifest more love in your life, take some Elixir of Love, do a shamanic journey. It's not gonna show you your soulmate.
Please don't ask. That's silly. Because you can force things. Right? And being like, is the is Johnny my soul mate? Might not be the fur best first move. So build some relationships on the inside first with your own mind palace before you start asking for divine intervention. But but, enjoy your walk. Go home and lay down and do a shamanic journey or substitute your walk for a shamanic journey and walk through the palace of your mind.
Love it. I'm gonna do it.
Do it. Okay. I love you a long time. I'll see you real soon. Bye.